On March 29, 2021, George was missing from the GMA set. That has failed and will never succeed. BIDEN: I'll let you characterize what they would be. George with his co-stars Robin Roberts and Michael Strahan. He didn't include any context for the tweet. And since then, he has asked the entire national security enterprise to put together a plan, an operational plan, to ensure that we can protect our airspace against other potential threats either to civil aviation or to intelligence or, in the extreme case, to people on ground. We are democracy. Hillary Clinton Net Worth InsideGov. But fans of his and the morning show have noticed that George has disappeared from the desk. People assume that because the well-known journalist for the television show This Week hasnt been active on his social media platform for the preceding week, he may be on vacation from work or not feeling well. Due to his frequent social media activity, some people think he is on vacation, while others believe that if he were, he would have posted some pictures. ", And one fan noted: "I've never seen Robin with 'I'm gonna murder you in your sleep' eyes before. What Happened To George Stephanopoulos? >> possible a criminal referral? The spat revolved around the chief anchor title, which Stephanopoulos had previously held. He returned immediately to defend his country yet again. Ukraine's gotten about 50 percent of what Russia has taken since last February, and now there's a fight for the rest. I will send Abrams down the road if you send Leopards now. Clearly, one of the reasons President Biden went over there was to get support. There are no TV Airings of This Week With George Stephanopoulos in the next 14 days. Since then, no weather balloons have been shot down. I mean, let's face it. But we begin with more of David Muir's exclusive interview with President Biden at the White House Friday where they discussed the U.S. commitment to Ukraine heading into the next year of this conflict. An embarrassed Robin hit back: "I needed the money George, I needed the money. And is it too late? VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT: (INAUDIBLE). I want to go back to the age thing again. ", "Why as far back as the Trump administration did no one know about this?". Ali shared a few more snaps, giving her followers an insight into their trip. >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. AMBASSADOR LINDA THOMAS-GREENFIELD: George, President Biden has been very, very clear that American troops will not be put on the ground or in the air to escalate this war and make this an American war against the Russians. And I think, look at all that Joe has -- has done, has accomplished. Stephanopoulos, who started at ABC News on Inauguration Day 1997, was an entrenched Washington insider from his days in the Clinton administration and . But it wasn't enough for ABC, which quickly began investing in Stephanopoulos not as an analyst, but as an objective . We should all be standing as Americans. They've been demanding answers on social media. With that title, and despite Muirs ever-increasing role in anchoring ABCs news coverage, Stephanopoulos led the outlets special events coverage, including the 2018 and 2020 elections, while Muir focused on hosting World News Tonight. MUIR: What do you make of this Chinese peace plan floated overnight that Putin is now applauding today? He used to say that all the time. And 2020, and 2022, which was essentially a referendum, he believes, I'm sure, "I've got it right. BIDEN: Look, we're sending him what our seasoned military thinks he needs now. CHRISTIE: Well, look, everybody can say they don't, but grand jury subpoenas, having issued many of them in my life, are pretty compulsory documents. JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, apparently someone interviewed my wife today I heard. His post came just days after he mocked a video of his GMA co-hostRobin Roberts. In the case of those three, the president received a recommendation from his senior military advisors, including the NORAD commander, to take action out of an abundance of caution. And later, more of David Muir's exclusive interview with President Biden, his message to Americans worried about the economy. I know the MAGA crowd is. Appreciate it. CHRISTIE: These folks are going to be in the grand jury and they're going to testify. The spat revolved around the chief anchor title, which Stephanopoulos had previously held. People quickly took to Twitter to ask about where hes been. We are sexual beings; we measure everything by . RADDATZ (on camera) (February 2022): A senior Pentagon official, who several hours ago texted me and said, you are likely in the last few hours of peace on the European continent for a long time to come. But it's understandable why people are just down. I know the State Department and the Pentagon now have both warned China not to offer lethal military assistance to Russia. will it be a turning point for republicans? What do you know about China possibly providing lethal aid to Russia? What took him so long to make his decision? In Ukraine, grief is everywhere. He needs artillery. KHALID: Oh, sure, right? "It was 1984 and yes @gstephanopoulos I was young and hungry!! His wife, on the other hand, did. RADDATZ (on camera): Congressman McCaul joins us now. Once again, the veteran journalist went absent from the morning show on Wednesday, November 29, inciting chaos among the fan base. You must be very strong. I think Americans are going to be very concerned about it. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issue shoved down our throats to the Democrats traitorous America last policies, we are done. RADDATZ: You say its been reported. And they're comforted by you being there. Love you all, where is George this morning?" But one of the things that Joe Biden believes is that he has been affirmed twice in his understanding of this American moment, and that's what makes presidents. Subscribe to Confider, the Daily Beasts media newsletter, and get juicy scoops in your inbox every week. Thanks very much for joining us, Congressman. Thats going to be a bit of a game changer as well. You look at his schedule, and -- and typically, this is not a guy who has, you know, spent a ton of time at the White House, more time in Delaware than he's spent in other places. RADDATZ: Ten hours in, and ten hours back. And, yes, America is ready for a woman president at some point. He's going to take advantage of that. ABCs top political anchor and host of both Good Morning America and This Week will not spearhead or be involved in the broadcast networks night-of coverage after leading it in both 2018 and 2020, a press release indicated last week. And, again, thats where the energy and the emphasis of the U.S. military is in helping the Ukrainian military get the tools it needs to be able to carry out that mission. US watching closely for Chinese lethal aid: Jake Sullivan, F-16s to Ukraine are not off the table: Rep. Michael McCaul, There are many other things to finish before launching reelection bid: Biden, US concerned about Chinese lethal support to Russia: Antony Blinken, The US should not worry about provoking Putin: Sen. Lindsey Graham, Dominion court filings shows a whole ecosystem was bolstering the Big Lie: Harper, East Palestine residents should ask for more testing: Professor DeCarlo, Democrats have never used 'brinkmanship' in debt negotiations: Sen. Schumer, US has bigger problem with China than the spy balloon: Rep. James Comer, 2024 GOP primary won't be big crowded field': Chris Christie, Turkey and Syria in grave danger of a secondary crisis: David Miliband, China spy balloon appearance ahead of Blinken trip was not a coincidence: Rubio, China hasn't yet provided weapons to Russia, which would be 'real mistake': Sullivan, Republican call to pick East Palestine over Ukraine is a 'false choice,' McCaul says, Blinken describes confronting China about balloon, warns against support for Russia, Graham urges F-16s for Ukraine as US calls Russian actions 'crimes against humanity', 3 objects over US, Canada were likely balloons, Schumer says: Congress must know more, GOP 'still debating' a budget proposal ahead of possible debt limit standoff: Comer, Rep. Pete Aguilar speaks on becoming the highest-ranking Latino in Congress, 'This Week' Transcript 2-26-23: Jake Sullivan & Rep. Michael McCaul, 'This Week' Transcript 2-19-23: Secretary Antony Blinken and Sen. Lindsey Graham, TRANSCRIPT: ABC News' George Stephanopoulos interviews President Joe Biden, ABC News Live Update: Bidens exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos, 1 year into war, Russian forces are poised to renew their assault, Court filings claim Fox News stars knew election fraud claims were false, Worries persist weeks after toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, I buy that Democrats will rally behind Biden in 2024: Silver, I do not buy that GOP investigations effectively hurt Bidens chances in 2024: Silver, I do not buy that young voters turned out for Democrats in the midterms, Some Democrats distance themselves from Biden during debate season: The Note, Western worries complicate Democrats Senate hopes: The Note, Herschel Walker tests his party's patience with own words: The Note, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. CHRISTIE: Well, look, that's good. Muir inherited the special coverage duties, such as helming the 2022 election night coverage. ABC News. Youve said that. Stephanopoulos reportedly threatened to leave for a rival network last year over tensions with Muir. Should he go now? They know that if youre re-elected you would be 82 when youre sworn in, youd be 86 at the end of your term. He said he's running, basically, but he "has things to finish." Mar 17. ABCs top political anchor and host of both Good Morning America and This Week will not spearhead or be involved in the broadcast networks night-of coverage after leading it in both 2018 and 2020, a press release indicated last week. This morning, our exclusive reporting from the White House --. Lisa Desjardins illness, Health Condition, Sickness And Where Is Lisa Desjardins From? The journalist has a verified Instagram account and seems relatively active, but he hasnt posted anything in the past week. His usual co-anchors Robin Roberts and Michael Strahan have been consistently present over the week, but his absence . He first joined GMA as an anchor in December 2009. EMILY KOHRS, GEORGIA SPECIAL GRAND JURY FOREPERSON: I will tell you it's not a short list. I mean, it does I think -- it just raises I think the entire case and the entire investigation into question, and that's advantageous for the former president. RADDATZ: OK, thanks very much for joining us this morning, Mr. Sullivan. Get exclusive videos, blogs, photos, cast bios, free episodes And, Donna, I'm going to start and pick up with you on what Jill Biden said and what Joe Biden said. The actress shared a picture of them on a fishing trip inMontauk. Fellow co-host Robin Roberts sat . BIDEN: I think you answered the question, Putins applauding it, so how could it be any good? And if he won't do it himself, ABC News management starting with ABC president James Goldston needs to do it for him. BRAZILE: Yeah, but I mean, who knows? According to GMA, George was surprised that he'd contracted the virus because he didn't have any symptoms. fight on.adimir putin vows to - but with tens of thousands killed, how will this bloody war end? Because Stephanopoulos, a former senior advisor to President Bill. It's an acceptable role for a former political operative with partisan baggage. I mean, look, everybody has a moment, Martha, but we're talking about -- he wants us to watch him. But you've also seen the polls. And just this week, the secretary of the Army said they may not even get those tanks this year. Inflation is still higher than it should be, and, you know, everything from gasoline prices, to a war going on in Ukraine. And so what the president is saying is, hes focused on those capabilities. Stephanopoulos apologized for not making the contributions public knowledge and the network also said in a statement that he was wrong not to disclose the contribution but that it was an honest mistake. Some things are, for example, even feeling down about unemployment. BIDEN: No, but it's legitimate for people to raise issues about my age. "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos' wife Ali Wentworth shared her husband's emotional side this week. There are things he needs now that we're sending him to put him in a position to be able to make gains this spring and this summer going into the fall. SULLIVAN: I'm glad you asked this question because I think this has been the subject of some confusion. And how will you approach that and what can you do about that? Is there really anything you could do? But we -- but heres what I --. Here now, Martha Raddatz. Subscribe now. He clearly never said that. And Democrats do have something to say to the large forces, large corporate forces exploiting people in rural America. Putin's first objective was to erase Ukraine from the map, to erase its identity, to absorb it into Russia. CNN has made a public spectacle of passing the torch to Jake Tapper from longtime election-night fixture Wolf Blitzer, who will not anchor the cable outlets election desk for the first time since 2004. In this phase, the critical element is ground maneuver capability. And we look to presidents for leadership on that. CNN reported that ABC was so eager to appease Stephanopoulos that then-Disney chairman Bob Iger and fellow Disney exec Peter Rice personally flew out from Burbank to New York to offer him a lucrative contract extension and keep the peace. When we come back, the four women of the Georgia grand jury investigating possible election interference by Donald Trump and his allies, revealing indictments could be coming. Look, if you are an executive leader and there is a disaster, people expect you to be there. MCCAIN: Because it has to be dictated by events on the ground, not by an arbitrary date and not an arbitrary date. We need to be there because the Ukrainian people have suffered so much, and they're standing up for all of us, for democracy, for a country that invaded them. Pain and loss like Katerina's. KHALID: I mean, I think it's notable that it has inched up, particularly after the midterms. But, you know, fact is, it's going to be a lot of focus on Kamala Harris, if they run. Now, there is a fierce battle going on for the territory that Russia has seized. They can always take five if they want. But there were also those three weather balloons shot down very quickly. That said, he still hasn't explained why he's been absent from GMA. A grand jury comes in and you get the grand jury you get, and so, you know, this is going to be embarrassing for the prosecution. We cannot have that kind of (INAUDIBLE). Sources said that he will create new. We havent seen anything like this since my fathers generation, World War II -- largest invasion in Europe, the biggest threat to the Pacific since World War II. He'll get some criticism, but he should go. His latest posts on both accounts are all about work, so there's no indication that he would be taking time away from the shows he's on. I mean, is this to create a GoFundMe because she's going to have to lawyer up? In early April of 2020, George's wife of 19 years, Ali Wentworth, revealed that she had tested positive for the coronavirus. MORAN: No. February 26, 2023, 6:15 AM. RADDATZ: But its possible you could approve them later? Where Is George Stephanopoulos On This Week? VIDEO: Ali Wentworth jokes she's divorcing George Stephanopoulos live on GMA. The pair who have been married for the last two decades recently went on a. BIDEN: Ive got to call her and find out. Mistake for him not to go? In the first phases, they were defending Kyiv. Her 26-year-old son Artem (ph), a special operations soldier who first fought to defend Crimea in 2014 was overseas when the Russians invaded this time. He also anchors This Week, an ABC Sunday morning current affairs program. This is what she tweeted: We need a national divorce. You heard what President Biden said. On Monday, the . That exclusive interview, next. RADDATZ (voice over): Intelligence at the time suggested Russian forces would sweep into Ukraine and topple the Zelenskyy government in a matter of days. Election night coverage will instead be led by World News Tonight anchor David Muir. >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. They do not know when they will ever be able to return. And around the world, monuments were lit up in blue and yellow, solidarity, from New York to Paris, Berlin to Sydney. JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think things are a little out of whack. RADDATZ: And -- and even if they don't want them now, do you think they should start training? He basically said he is ruling that out for now. ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK with George Stephanopoulos starts right now. Everything is in the negative. And I cant get into the specifics of who composed that security contingent, but he was well-protected the whole way. ABC has been much quieter about its changing of the guard. So what can you say? IVANKA: I think he sacrificed not only for us. MCCAUL: I think because its taken too long. And I dont blame people for being down. We find ourselves in a situation where the cost of doing -- of walking away could be considerably higher than the cost of helping Ukraine maintain its independence. We -- he's still litigating the -- the war on Ukraine. Due to his frequent social media activity, some people think he is on vacation, while others believe that if he were, he would have posted some pictures. That was Javelin anti-tank weapons and Stinger anti-air systems. What is your message to Russia, to Vladimir Putin? RADDATZ (voice over): Plus, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul. His wife, Ali Wentworth shared a photo of the two of them together on vacation. And I think -- and I said this a couple weeks ago and it got Donna all hot. I think, with the right weapons, it shouldn't take so long. George and Michael Strahan have been away from the show periodically in the last few months with the latter away due to filming $100,000 Pyramid and other projects. BRAZILE: No, and that's not going to be a slogan if he decides to run for re-election. But what comes next? Strahan, 51, was also absent on the Monday morning show, while Roberts, 62, was missing on Friday, December 16. KHALID: Yeah, you could get a sense that this was an opportunity for her. The right-wing Republicans are, you know, talking about, we can't do this. Before that, the husband and wife jetted off to Paris, where they shared many pictures of their trip. REPORTER: So, we're talking about more than a dozen people? She shares parenting duties with her husband and has two daughters: Elliott Anastasia Stephanopoulos, who will be 20 in 2022, and Harper Andrea Stephanopoulos, who will be 17 in 2022. MCCAUL: It -- it could. CHRISTIE: Yeah, we have been. why is george stephanopoulos not on this week While appearing on Howard Stern on May 13, George commented on the speculation that he would be Alex Trebek's successor as the host of the popular game show Jeopardy. DONNA BRAZILE, ABC CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, he has to get a budget back through Congress. Vladimir Putin told the Russian people this week that Chinas President Xi is coming to Russia, likely as early as this spring. And so you're -- you're looking at an unprecedented situation that I -- that I don't think the country is -- is ready for. Find Out What Has Happened To The Journalist. RADDATZ: OK, let's bring in our roundtable to talk about all of this, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; former DNC Chair Donna Brazile; ABC News senior national correspondent Terry Moran; and NPR White House correspondent Asma Khalid. When we give them what they -- what they can really use and ask for, they win. I mean, shes -- she looked like a fool, like, somebody looking for their 15 minutes, and damaged the investigation because its -- this is no way to run a popsicle stand, much less a grand jury investigation of the former president of the United States, in one of the biggest cases, you know, in Georgia history. We cant throw our head in the sand and ignore this. And, honestly, Martha, the highest priority right now is to move as rapidly as possible, to build up their capacity, to de-occupy those portions of Ukraine that are still being occupied brutally and bloodily by Russian forces. She captioned the post: "Greece with my Greek. Is He Sick? And I think theres not going to be a judge whos going to let Mike Pence or Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump avoid having to testify before that grand jury. However, after all that happened and both George and his wife had recovered from the coronavirus, he has made numerous TV appearances, from GMA to his Sunday series This Week with George Stephanopoulos to, more recently, Howard Stern's radio show on May 13. But, you know, the president said it very well, that he wants to finish the job. SULLIVAN: Abrams tanks. They want to know that their money is being spent wisely. George Stephanopoulos Wife Alexandra Wentworth Illness, Brenden Aaronson Religion, Parents, Girlfriend And His Dating Life Explored. Stephanopoulos wont be involved in ABCs election night coveragean apparent victory for his rival David Muir in their ongoing cold war. Such shifts in duties are not unusual at news networks, of course. There's stuff that's implied about taking five. MARTHA RADDATZ, ABC "THIS WEEK" ANCHOR (voice over): Year two of the war in Ukraine begins. Records show the political news anchor donated $25,000 three times between 2012 and 2014. REPORTER: Are these recognizable names? I think, with enough pressure from Congress on both sides of the aisle, we can get into Ukraine what they really need to win this fight. The economy is always central to the conversation when you're running for president. But is that something he's waiting for as well, to see that his numbers go up after some of these things are complete? With that title, and despite Muirs ever-increasing role in anchoring ABCs news coverage, Stephanopoulos led the outlets special events coverage, including the 2018 and 2020 elections, while Muir focused on hosting World News Tonight. are the first two replies to Robin's tweet, but she hasn't replied to fans' burning question. Check out "WORLD NEWS TONIGHT," and have a great day. In fact, the former president used to say all the time, the only reason someone takes five is if they're guilty. The last post George shared on social media was on August 5 after a long hiatus. Why is George Stephanopoulos not on 'GMA?' On March 29, 2021, George was missing from the GMA set. What I can say is, so far we have not seen them do it. RADDATZ (on camera): Air raid sirens and power outages are a part of life now here in Lviv, but structurally and physically, the city has been mostly spared. >> the americans stand with you and the world stands with you. You heard what Jake Sullivan said. RADDATZ: First Lady Jill Biden speaking to "The Associated Press" in Kenya, certainly making it sound like her husband is all in to run again. But I think this president has done enough, and he's committed to serve the American people. We'll be right back. President Zelenskyy saying it's been a year of bravery, pain, endurance, and unity. George has been working at GMA since 2009 after he was offered Diane Sawyer's job on the popular morning news show. George Robert Stephanopoulos is not leaving and will stay on as a co-host for 'Good Morning America.' At the beginning of 2020, fans were concerned when George suddenly stopped appearing on the TV show. This shift at ABC comes amid a reportedly bitter back-and-forth between the two top anchors at the Disney-owned news arm. MCCAUL: Well, Chairman Xi and Putin are they have this unholy alliance since the Beijing Olympics. Lets put that in. She met George on a blind date in April 2001, the two got engaged after two months, and they were married on November 20, 2001, in the Upper East Sides Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. George and Ali married in 2001 and they have two children together. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. He serves as a co-anchor of Good Morning Americas television show alongside Michael Strahan and Robin Roberts. RADDATZ: OK. Because Putin don't want take only Ukraine. : What Happened To George Stephanopoulos? You watch President Biden. To prevent Stephanopoulos from alleging a breach of contract and leaving the network, ABC gave him the lucrative new deal along with breaking news coverage duties and a new production company. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. JILL BIDEN, FIRST LADY: Well, hes -- he says he's not done. George Stephanopoulos interviews Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., on "This Week . Neither ABC News nor Muir responded to a request for comment. In other words, we post severe sanctions on anyone who has done that. George Stephanopoulos ' one (week)-and-done run as Jeopardy! Watch the official This Week with George Stephanopoulos online at ABC.com. Thats up from 18 percent last April. George Stephanopoulos tried to pin down a Republican Senator who bobbed and weaved around questions about former President Donald Trump Sunday. Well, we left from Washington, D.C., from a hanger at a nearby Air Force base, in the middle of the night, and flew to Poland, where the president got into an unmarked SUV, not his normal limo that everybody is used to seeing, to take an hour-long drive to a train station in Poland, where he boarded this train, also in the dark of night. Were also finding out now that one of the outlets has decided that they even put things on they know to be false in order to increase their ratings. Stephanopoulos does not leave his position at GMA often so fans were relieved to see he was on a well-deserved break. I don't think it's off the table. The writer struggled with COVID-19 throughout the outbreak, but he hasnt mentioned whether hes since fallen ill with another condition. Add This Week With George Stephanopoulos to your Watchlist to find out when it's . They -- they're losing on the cultural issues, but as Bernie Sanders and some others have demonstrated, they can connect on that. It came to stand for something big in the country. TERRY MORAN, ABC NEWS SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's hard to think of a world leader who was 86 years old, ever, except for Popes sometimes, and they're generally -- they got to die in office, or at least did before Benedict. When she's not always writing about TV topics, she creates dynamic blog posts and long-form content for SaaS and marketing companies. And, you know, but the fact is, if we don't give them -- if they don't get the momentum right now, with the Russian offensive coming into country right now, they have a window of time with the counteroffensive. As President Zelenskyy rallies the Ukrainian people, President Biden shores up alliances. We've all been in Ukraine this week. RADDATZ: I want to talk about China. All Rights Reserved. When a solider has a family, children, he said, it is not easy. "Im feeling great.". This is a rush transcript of "This Week" airing Sunday, February 26. "This. He took over the role after Diane Sawyer's exit, and alongside co-host Robin Roberts, has been a staple of many people's morning routines. RADDATZ: Tell me what this last year has been like for you. We're a great nation," he said on "This Week.". As ABC News covers the highly consequential 2022 midterm elections on Tuesday evening, its live desk will feature a notable absence: George Stephanopoulos. RADDATZ: Well, just last week Secretary Blinken told me one of the reasons youre not supplying those is because you have to teach them to fly those jets, you have to maintain those jets. Thats why this is so important. Will you send F-16s? SULLIVAN: My understanding is that the NORAD commander, the general in charge of the defense of North American air space, has not recalibrated our radar, that we continue to be vigilant for unidentified objects coming into U.S. territory. RADDATZ: Terry, age. We know you were on that train with President Biden going in and out of Kyiv. Would that cross a line for you? Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Conservatives do not get away with that on this show, but liberals get to answer questions that were never asked. Send it to The Daily Beasthere. Thats not the way prosecutions should be run. It's the idea that China is going to be negotiating the outcome of a war that's a totally unjust war for Ukraine is just not rational. Are you running? Thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us. The news anchor hopes his fans will tune in and support his new show. And that means tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. Be -- be -- how you say? SULLIVAN: Well, Martha, every phase of this war, the president has tried to make sure that the Ukrainian military gets what they need. It's totally legitimate to do that. Ive met with the Ukrainians being trained by the Poles on the Leopard tanks, which will go in in two weeks as this offensive takes place. The critical element is ground maneuver capability right-wing Republicans are, you know, the Daily Beasts media,. And support his new show fight on.adimir Putin vows to - but with tens of thousands killed, will! On desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest date and not an arbitrary date, as! 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