So lets say you wanted to give the Third Reich some credit, which could be done, what positives can you say about Synanon? It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. Synanon can make its recommendation not to connect, even expel and announce it will not accept the person back; but there is no right to stop contact by never informing the person of attempts being made and giving the person the choice. The autopsy report stated that he died from a perforated ulcer, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. No one knows the actual final fate of the 19. Its wonderful. Today as it is known that alcoholic recovery has a 40% success rate with no treatment at all; it is doubtful AA can surpass that. In the book The Tunnel Back Yablonsky, Dederich and another Dr. discuss that the Synanon system is similar to Dr. Liftons discussion of Chinese brainwashing. Most program lingo IS Synanon lingo! WebJan 2010 - Present13 years 2 months United States Im a CEDU Survivor who created & runs the Synanon Survivors Group on Facebook. And of course, this was what was best in early Synanon, i.e., peers to talk to and help if the craving starts; also support when kicking cold turkey, food and a roof. it would take a few generations for this to work out. The founder, Charles Dederich, ordered his cult followers to divorce and swap partners, with more than 200 couples complying. He had beaten me time wise. is a different Gina Score, 14, at the state-run juvenile prison camp at Plankinton, South Dakota, 1999 was run to death. . The first book was published in 1991, and the updated edition was published Decenber 13, 2012. Fager wrote: Dr. It was also capable of controling the floor show when ever there was an investigation, during these times Elan became a large weird hotel lobby, albeit briefly, while investigators simply saw our blank faces. Severe examples were made of the few unfortunate children who decided to speak with investigators about the truth. Were you happy with the violence? Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Alliance Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety A conversation with David Cherry. We were beaten for the slightest infractions of the rules. While Synanons bragging of curing drug addiction was far off from reality, its public relations system did promote the concept that drug addiction was not impossible to overcome as many had thought when Synanon was conceived. I look forward to comments, but those based upon facts, not attacks on the messenger. History is full of similar situations, with similar results, where the group eventually mutated out of its violent stageslike Christianity and Mormons. In contrast, Jollett's goals as a parent are simple. It reasoned that success stories generally had little to do with the programs themselves. Former Synanite Dr. David Deitch, then a Phoenix House director, has stated, A client must have the choice of leaving treatment, even if the youngster is on probation and the alternative is jail.(19) Richard Ashley wrote in Heroin that, The only power of decision the member retains once he enters a TC is the decision to leave. Dr. Efren Ramirez, founder of Phoenix House, has said that you dont rehabilitate a person against his will.. We know that a, that a, only one out of I think 25 is going to stay long enough to be of any consequence at all. After saying staying in Synanon is the addicts only chance for sustained life, in 1976 Dederich said that in 5 years there would be no room for the kind of people you are now. In one sense it becomes like the question of which came first the chicken or the egg. I suppose if they werent why Id have to find another business. No doubt their belief in Synanon was so strong that they had a good influence on others, but unfortunately they were also subjected to the Synanon system which from the early days warned of the enemy at the door (which Dederich eventually confessed at deposition he made up to bond followers), and later declared that you could never go home or contact outsiders. And it will be edited further. My generation while agreeing with womens rights, still suffered from being raised in families where the mother was to obey the man, and frankly didnt know what to do. As messages here seem to disappear and reappear per you request I am repeating it. ", After reconnecting with his father, Jollett who didn't understand what a "mother" and "father" were while living in Synanon finally had a loving, real-life dad and mom. "And probing into this world of the traumatized child. but if I missed something please tell me. I was taken there by my mother. Dederich said those who left fell through the open manhole and would post descriptions of their calamities for all to see as a warning if they ever left. On my site, the chapter on Chapter Chucky rising, I tried to set forth how those early times, and the German ideology, were part of the story and evolution of Dederich. ), "He loved us, he hugged us, he kissed us," says Jollett, who was prompted to write Hollywood Park after his father's death. "In the case of my brother, he became the scapegoat. Justice For Our Angels. Joe Ricci, the owner, survived the state of Illinois pulling residents out because of the abuse and beat them in court. It also provides no real therapy and is the same program for everyone. Maybe it's one of the things about human nature, that isolated power corrupts people. He wrote that many ex-members said that one day there would be a scandal and Dederich would run off with all the money. And finally, in the end, Synanon legacy is one not only of discrimination, but it became the Ku Klux Klan when it came to its conceived enemies. Professor David Bellis was one. So, as stated, when Dederich also admitted his notions were intended on each occasion to drive people out, so only the fanatical remained, and he profited by the resulting lowering cost, he was in fact knowingly in his view sacrificing former addicts to untimely ends for profit. This intrusive, assertive therapeutic style works well for a few clients but may injure many more. Professor Bellis noted that, A number of clients. At one time, the view I had was believing that brainwashing was probably an ideal cure, but at what cost? And while it may be true that economics was a motivation, economics are part of the motivation for everyone on these issues. Ofshe who had been allowed inside Synanon to study it contacted Dave Mitchell in 1978 to ask if he was serious about investigating Synanon because violence could not occur randomly under Synanons controls and can only occur at direction of management (later admitted by Dederich at deposition). Its a calculated risk. He became the one to blame, he was the angry one. Neither AA, Synanon, or those that followed, were based on any scientific studies. Free choice is an American ideal, and we sacrifice for it, to preserve it, because as a nation we believe it is our greatest freedom. Even AA, which similarly indoctrinated a specific dogma the 12 steps is seen as not so successful as promoted and/or a proper therapy to cure alcoholism as it demands a dogmatic conversion and life time attendance that has been proven not necessary. Jollett, 45, tells PEOPLE about the abuse he and many other children experienced while growing up in the "school" of the infamous Synanon cult. How old were you. In the last chapter I discussed the same aspects you mentioned about television and politics. Another idea of merit was The Distribution Network which was to obtain distressed goods which would be distributed to charities. Order from Amazon, XHTML: You can use these tags:
. They appreciated the honesty of the work. The study of cults can teach us the problems of nations. No one will be mad at you. Arbitrarily, I would say that young persons under 16 years of age should be excluded from these programs and that careful evaluation be given admitting persons between 16 and 18 years of age . And back is my reply to you. The bad publicity led some supporters, Melvin and Betty Sembler of The Seed to create a copycat organization under a different name Straight Inc.but employed Du Point as a consultant. But nobody, especially Dr. Rogers, ever imagined children sitting in one continuous synanon 12 hours a day, 5 days a week for several yearswith 200 kids screaming and spitting at him, where the child could not verbally defend himself against his indicters, where he would be beaten and physically restrained, and, most importantly, where he could not leavenamely Straight, Inc. In other words Straight took a program that had been designed (and poorly so) to control hard-core adult heroin addicts and used it to control kids who had experimented with pot and alcoholsometimes worse, but sometimes no drugs at all. (He is now sober. But I wrote my book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults with the view of writing the only book anyone need read on the subject. You know ts great fun, to watch that. Dederich said free choice in the hands of an addict was like a gun in the hands of a baby. Bellis, citing various sources, found that the success rate in the Synanon imitators was no better than that the dismal statistics of Synanon itself. A small portion decided they had enough, and gave too much credit to Synanon and not enough to their own will power. ), "You put stress on a family, unpredictable things happen, and children tend to take on different roles," Jollett says. Eventually, the future could only be Orwellian. I responded to him that the media never knew the extent of the actual violence and as far as violence inside Synanon, how many incidents would you like to know about? Later I sent him a copy of the History of Synanon violence with over 80 incidents and he never responded nor did I hear from him again, nor did he ever apologize to the public for writing a book in which he intentionally avoided the actual evidence. Kenton, through no fault of his own, was placed in the Synanon school by square musician parents and at age 18 became the youngest member of the Imperial Marines. You would make Wes Fager proud, I am sure, sadly he is no longer with us. If you examine the full context, Janzen avoided anything that might lead him to information contrary to the views he wanted to present. Watched the documentary Ethel on HBO and compare the public speaking of the Kennedys to the embarrassing debates that took place in the recent election. As to the last presidential election, I agree that bigotry raised its ugly head. If you have a complaint it is with Yablonsky and Janzen who had no understanding of the Synanon system. He had the addicts psychologically tested and found Synanon did not change people internallythat they were still antisocial. Hollywood Park recounts Jollett's life at various stages: an orphaned 5-year-old, a troubled preteen, and an adult trying to find himself in his music. I was inducted in late 1976 at the age of 14. So again I stand by my position, no one wanting to write an accurate book on Synanon could not interview me as a lead, and could not refuse to examine the documents I offered him. In writing all these chapters, I tried to set forth the facts as factual as they occurred, thus leaving for historians to make their own answers to these questions. By then only 1000 out of the 12,000 claimed to have entered were there and leaving was defined as failure. TimI didnt say I was the only one to fight Synanon. Zones are designed to separate business from residential, etc. Pierce (1977) A belief system based upon coercive persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be largely abandoned when the pressures are removed. Aftermaththe Synanon legacy As to CED I have no clear answer, but certainly his childhood traumas and abandonments were likely to produce pathology. . There were countless communes and entities much larger that took in people of all races. In Is This A Camp Or Jail? by Adam Cohen, Time, January 26, 1998, he chronicled the three dozen deaths that occurred in such wilderness camps in the past decade. Janzen could have had this dissertation, but he was not looking for truth. And in March she went, flying into Georgetown with her family, a few friends, and Jordan Have a merry. One feature of Seed was the Spanking Machine where a childs father must publicly whip his kid before the large peer Group. . Dinosaur Survivors Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Unfortunately, came the imitators who sold the idea it was rehabilitative and copied it leading to a much greater list of damaged individuals than Synanon could ever achieve. But Farve had the money so he could be self indulgent. Unfortunately as I learned what happened in clones and wilderness programs, people not only did not learn from that history, a book like Janzens can help fuel the continuation of its tragedies. In what ways are we just wrong? In discussing the aftermath, I tried to explain that my views differed at different times as I received new and different information. It's not good.' Childrens deaths in tough love boot camps include: Michelle Sutton, 15, Summit Quest, Utah, 1990. Synanon. The Synanon organization, initially a drug rehabilitation program, was founded by Charles E. "Chuck" Dederich, Sr., (19131997) in 1958 in Santa Monica, California. By the early 1960s, Synanon had also become an alternative community, attracting people with its emphasis on living a self-examined life, There is much that is accurate in many cult books, particularly those that follow Lifton, but many lack proper perspective. I am very aware of the early philosophies of Synanon. "Our parents weren't bad people, they didn't choose to turn their children into orphans. my last chapter in my book did just exactly what you asked which was put my what you call myscholarly talents on the American cult. "I have nightmares about my son falling down steps, I have nightmares about dropping my daughter. I have described them as people who either came for help, to give help, or both. The sicker he became, the more he was tormented and tortured by the staff. This is due, in part, to many Synanites having left to form their own lucrative drug rehabilitation companiesa degree in medicine is not a requirement., ***. Thats why I wrote the history of Synanon because there is so much to learn. Further residents feared Synanon would be a beacon that brought addicts and when they dropped out they would burgalize and sell dope to the children, all which happened. Elan made millions and millions of dollars, off of criminal child abuse. of Synanon, own study of Synanon records found that during the first 2 years 90% had departed within one year. I just imagined Charles Dederich rolling over in his grave at that news. By the 60s the Los Angeles school system had schools (not all) already well integrated and taught anti-bigotry. All he knew was that if someone stayed they didnt do drugs. as to George Bush, again in my book I said there was no difference between him psychologically and Osama. Oaks and Spokes. As I said in the beginning, my views changed at different times, and it was only upon reading of what happened at the clones was my view finally shaped. I agree with current views, given the atrocities that have occurred in Synanon clones, but I also still think the idea, discounting the dogma, to have a group of peers encouraging you and available at any time to talk to if you are considering going on a binge and you cannot reach your professional, is good. They made people like Bernie Kolb who I loved very much. "Whose fault is it? Dr. Casriel in 1963 reported that of 62 people located of 160 entries, 19 were graduates, while 43 remained inside Synanon. As to the legacy, conclusion was not difficult. If you think I am wrong to have spent time over the years going through Synanon documents to record its history, particularly its plunge into violence, that is your right and opinion. Sometimes I think women are more revenge orientated, but it probably still comes down to the individual. Bringing Luis Home September 26, 2022 10. Ultimately, as stated above, Dederich would testify they never knew how to cure a dope fiend and nobody does. WebSynanon Survivors 136likes 149followers Posts About Photos Videos More Posts About Photos Videos Synanon Survivors Intro Link To The Synanon Survivors Group And Some of these programs were in the wilderness, some were high in the Mountains, or in deserts, or per parents trading children and keeping them in locked rooms when they were not in camps many of which were like old time chain gangs this saving cost of shelter and food. This program was called MATRIX. ***. But that idea was bantered by law enforcement as because of the wire, and the wire logs, knowledge could be proven against all who stayed in support. first, you say that many agree with what I wrote and others did not, and as you say, these agreements are expected and that some would be vehemently because of the psychological processes of denial. 14-year-old Anthony Haynes died while attending a five-week boot camp operated by the Americas Buffalo Soldiers Re-enactors Association. I am a Synanon survivor. He told me that he had interviewed Synanon people and examined the UCLA records. If I did not want comments i would not have it set up too comments. But today, as will be discussed below, it is the general professional view these rehabs were, and are, not necessary, many people went to them for escape, without really major addiction, fueled by the publicity when Nancy Regean unnecessarily went and Green Bay quarterback Bret Farve went to one believing he was addicted to pain pills. ! Elan generated very large tax revenues for the state of Maine. There are more successes, like the Rolling Stones Rick Jones, that stemmed from bona fide psychotherapy. I am very grateful that you have included in writing your blog about Joe Riccis version or interpetation of Synanon. Rather than a commune wonderfully described by Yablonsky and Janzen as reforming criminals, it made criminals out of non-criminals, and took former reformed criminals to a higher level of criminal violence. You might call that egotistical, but I felt I had that knowledge because I had engaged so many. Good luck. It just seems monstrous.". But I, its a marvelous business to watch these assholes come in and fall all over themselves and try bite me in the ass. In reality, who was cured depended on how much each wanted it; and that generally holds true in all programs. Although I think this is waning some now Movies now are once again about heroes and less about femme fatales. ", "It wasn't like Godfather, it was like Pirates of Penzance," Jollett explains. All the civil rights marches, the anti-Vietnam protests, were uniting people of all races. I use a voice recognizing system and then I have to go back and edit many times. In the early days of Synanon, the age of most addicts who stayed were older, as Ofshe noted, and tired of life on the wild side. WebSynanon sought religious status in 1974, with Diedrich as its leader. I stated my views, but I gave statistics and reports to back them, most unfortunate to learn of the great tragedy that have occurred in the clones are all these years. When Michelle ran out of water, a counselor told the other hikers not to share, and joked that Michelles parched mouth was so white it looks like youve been eating marshmallows. After complaining she couldnt see, Michelle collapsed and died of dehydration. He worked hard in high school and ended up earning a scholarship to Stanford. Dr. Roger Meyer, a professor of psychiatry at Boston University, and formerly the Acting Chief of the Center for Studies of Narcotics and Drug Abuse at NIMH, was one of the first to question the wisdom of subjecting kids to the brutality of the Synanon Game. Naya Arbiter Children say they were punched, kicked and forced to eat dirt for minor infractions such as failing to stand up straight. Yablonsky in his 60s book, totally bought into the enemys conspiracy and that people were against Synanon because blacks lived with whites. Ben had told me you felt I had added more to what you had written and your excellent children study, and when I went back and read it I saw there was ambiguity between when I was quoting you and when I was adding my own additional comment. The belief that Synanon was a breakthrough, as stated, was mainly because of its public speaking bureau. Ofshe further pointed out Dr. Casreil who wrote the first Synanon book also reported similar short-term stats: 102 stayed 3 months and most who stayed longer were gone within a year. 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It was reported between 6000 and 10,000 people lived in Synanon from 1958 to 1968 but apparently only 65 were ever known to have completed the program and elected to graduate to life outside the community. There is a book called Duck in a Raincoat it is by Maura Curley and this is the 2nd edition, an updated edition if you will. Researched by Maia Szalavitz for a book in 2006 and for Mother Jones in 2007 she described the clone horrors and traced them back to Synanon. Commonly employed and widely admired in 12-step groups and treatment., The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it., Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. ), "[Tony] went to rehab at a young age, and I think it scared me," Jollett says. By 1975 Barker had opened four expansion Seeds, but in 1974 both houses of the US Congress had investigated and made the brainwashing charges., Wrote Fager: Despite the fact that the only way Synanon Church could keep addicts off drugs was to keep them at Synanon foreverthat is Synanon was a cultand despite Synanons sordid pastSynanon was a violent cultthe idea of the Game became the basis for a new breed of therapy where the addict himself helps in his own recovery just as Chinese thought reform students help in their own recovery. When all the litigation finally ended, I had some regret that Synanon had been closed, wondering what it might have evolved into after Dederichs complete removal. I further told him that UCLA records were selective and I alone had Synanons internal documents which tells another story. Further, I wrote that the study of cults is studying a microcosm of the greater society. The story of Synanon is how one man took good people and turned them into terrorists. The problem of these programs was it was believed it was justified to use any means, denying human and civil rights and treating people who didnt need treatment; all this done without any proof that behavior modification programs ever worked. I remember how hard it was for a woman to get a job and how few there were in my law school class. Almost all modern day therapeutic communitiesand there are hundreds of themare based on the game. Some children were taken to foreign countries, or islands, although foreign countries have done more to stop them than our government. By 1976 the plan to transfer the money to the Dederich family was cemented and implanted. Today, troubled-teen programs use Synanon-like tactics, advertising themselves to parents as solutions for everything from poor study habits to substance misuse. Jollett, then just a little boy, hid to save himself. In 1964 a New Jersey Drug Study Commission opted not to give Synanon any funding after reviewing rehabilitation statistics supplied by Synanon Foundation. Sure it maybe closed but it still needs to be investigated in the same fashion that Penn state was investigated. True in all programs more he was not looking for truth greater society only one to Synanon. Brother, he became the scapegoat be a scandal and Dederich would testify they never knew how to a... Slightest infractions of the things about human nature, that stemmed from bona fide psychotherapy 1976 at age... You mentioned about television and politics presidential election, I tried to explain that my differed. Turned them into terrorists no understanding of the 12,000 claimed to have entered were there and leaving defined. `` in the case of my brother, he became the one to blame, he the... I discussed the same program for everyone on these issues, a few clients but may many! 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