For information on cookies and how you can disable them, please read our cookies policy. . . We provide a full range of community services to patients for people who live and work in Wandsworth, making sure . . Our Consultants cover the full range of specialties and at the Hospital we are able to treat almost any medical condition. . Visit St. George's; Directory. [3] [4] [5] [6] Dalgleish stood in 2015 for Parliament as a UKIP candidate. Saturday 14th August 2021 @Moorfields. . Need to change or cancel your outpatient appointment? we have links to profiles of our consultants and their specialties. function googleTranslateElementInit() { Our goal is the prevention of work-related . Cars may pull up in front of the Cardiac Wing to drop off and pick up patients. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); The document helps healthcare professionals see the consultants and their specialiies before referring patients to St George's services Mr Gillespie did fellowships in lower limb hip and knee replacement and arthroscopy in Adelaide, Australia with a further pelvic and acetabular fellowship at St Georges Hospital,, Duncan Tennent 2020Dream-Theme truly. . The Urology Department provides acute and elective services to St Georges Hospitals and to an extensive tertiary network of NHS, private and overseas hospitals. Surgical Procedures. . He has been a consultant at St Georges hospital since February 2012. . You can keep an eye on job opportunities by clicking on the vacancies link in the menu above. This hospital has been a part of the following outcomes audits, please click on any outcomes audit to see their data: This hospital has been part of the Cardiac Centre Quality Assurance Survey, and its latest individual results are shown below. . Find hospital - consultants. A post shared by Rhys Beynon (@rhysbeynonsworld), WATCH 24 HOURS IN A&E ON CHANNEL 4 EVERY TUESDAY AT 9 PM, AND GET FREAKY WITH US ONINSTAGRAMANDFACEBOOK, Screenshot: Rhys, 24 Hours in A and E, Series 23 Episode 3, All 4. . . Admission Office 401-842-6705. Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Chronic Pain Service, Greg Kelly It looks like both Rhys and his partner Jack work on event designs, such as for Cheryl Coles Manchester Pride performance. We were the first outpatient area to secure gold in the ward . Olwen Westerland is a consultant radiologist. . Clinical pharmacology is the science of drugs and therapeutics is the safe and effective . Terms & Conditions including Cookie Policy St George's Outpatient Services Directory & Referral Guide 2010/2011 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This can be . . St. Peter's Hospital, Chertsey is situated in greenbelt parkland between Woking and Chertsey near junction 11 of the M25. Email: Mr Sulaiman Alazzawi is a Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon based at St Georges University Hospital and the South West Elective Orthopaedic Centre in Epsom. Chorionic villous sampling . NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) Pre-eclampsia screening. To book into these classes please phone +64 3 375 6337. . . ALL other times If you are visiting Moorfields during this time, please check In this area you will find detailed information on all the services we provide. A list of all St Georges vacancies can be found on: Who we are We found him on Instagram! Thats why the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, The latest advice on visiting our hospitals, SGH Carousel Slide Theatre Two Nurses Focus, Save our Emergency Department for emergencies, SGH Carousel Slide Hospital and Botany Bay vista, New garden brings ray of sunshine to St George Hospital, St George Hospital celebrates opening of new Clinical Skills Centre. 576 9529 77. . Consultant Antibiotics and Infection Control Pharmacist: St Georges -Hospitals NHS trust: London: Consultant Anticoagulation Pharmacist: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust: London: Consultant Anticoagulation Pharmacist: Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: London: Consultant Antimicrobial Pharmacist: Betsi Cadwaladr University Health . . The Cardiothoracic unit at St George's Hospital is a specialist tertiary referral centre for all types of adult cardiac and thoracic surgery. General Porter, Estates and Facilities, Adeola Talabi It is an accredited, principal teaching hospital of the University of New South Wales and is not only the largest hospital within the Local Health District, but is among the leading centres for trauma and emergency management in the State. Call us: 020 8971 8000 Email us Search Treatments & Services Consultants & Specialists Our Hospital Patient Information Funding Your Treatment GP & Referrers Zone Contact Us You are here: Home Consultants & specialists Dr Adrian Draper Dr Adrian Draper Consultant Physician Qualifications MB BS MD FRCP Main NHS base: St George's Hospital has bus stops directly outside both Heaton Street and Papanui Road. The Audiology and Audiovestibular Medicine team deals with the diagnosis and management of hearing (auditory) and balance (vestibular) disorders. He completed his basic surgical training at East of England, becoming a Member of the, Mr Ross Coomber studied Sports Science and Materials Engineering at the University of Birmingham and went on to study medicine at theUniversity of East Anglia,qualifyingin 2003. Anxiety UK advice and helpline . Welcome to our information pages on prehabilitation at St Georges. 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, Registered Charity No. Our consultants. Diabetes and Endocrinology departments are at St Georges Hospital, Queen Marys Hospital and also at St Johns . The hospitals areas of special expertise also include cancer services, critical care, cardiothoracic surgery, mental health services and womens and childrens health care. . Queen's Hospital Rom Valley Way Romford Essex RM7 0AG; King George Hospital Barley Lane Goodmayes Essex IG3 8YB Switchboard: 01708 435 000 . 0208 672 1255 Bleep 7064 249 Papanui Road Strowan . She was also the rape victim daughter in Dennis Potter's Brimstone and Treacle (1976),. . . His clinical interests include serious illness and injury in children, adolescent medicine, safeguarding children and medical education. Senior health is a branch of General medicine that is concerned with the clinical, preventative, remedial and social aspects of . The Definitive Online Directory of Consultants and GPs Directory Last Updated: 28 February 2023 Below you will find useful links to information in relation to pregnancy and mental health. Prehabilitation is all about good preparation for your body and . Emergency Unit 041 392 6178 Telephone 041 392 6111 Email . Clinical Genetics. . Please note: patients should continue to attend their breast screening appointments unless contacted by the Trust. . Receptionist, Estates and Facilities, Associate chief operating officer for adult, diagnostic and specialist services, Consultant respiratory and general medicine, Neurorehabilitation admission coordinator, Paediatric intensive care healthcare assistant. Your booking confirmation will be received from Jo. Child protection services. Emergency Department Clinical Research Group Follow us on Twitter @stgedresearch The Emergency Department (ED) at St George's leads and participates in a number of . This site uses cookies to bring you the best experience. Limited pay and display car parking is available on site. South West Thames Centre for Genomics. The Hepatology clinical assessment service (CAS) is our service in which your referral is assessed by one of the consultant . Advanced search Search now Consultants directory A-Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Page 1 of 6 Next page Total results: 179 . Departments Getting to the Hospital Visiting Guidelines Contact Us Get Care Now Specialties St George's Healthcare Outpatient Service Directory and Referral Guide 2011 / 12 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. . At St Georges Training Centre we are lucky enough to have access to a large multidisciplinary team of national . Our consultants directory contains profiles of consultants that work at our hospitals on a permanent basis. St. George Regional Hospital is located in St. George, Utah, serving northwestern Arizona, southeastern Nevada, and southern Utah. Search our consultants' directory To book an appointment please call +44 (0)20 3311 7700 or email Ian White is a consultant dermatologist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He specialises in hip and knee replacements and treating painful or failing joint replacements. For comments regarding this website please email, 2023 NSW Health - South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD), The joyful sound of children playing is now a regular event in the grounds of St George Hospital thanks to a new playground and garden that was, Staff at St George Hospital joined together on Wednesday 30 November to mark the grand opening of the hospitals new Clinical Skills Centre (CSC)., Getting through to teenagers and asking them to consider consequences of risky behaviour isnt an easy task. St George's Hospital recruits roughly a third of the trained physician associates each year. switchboard attention. Our consultants. . Therapy Services at St Georges Hospital are based around an integrated focus with multi-professional teams designed around patient . . St Georges provided primary care and substance misuse healthcare services at HMP Wandsworth until August 2019. Departments. Rhys Beynon is a consultant in emergency medicine and paediatric emergency medicine. The Hospital has a very high trauma load and accepts referrals from outside its immediate area. South West Thames Centre for Genomics. The profiles below will give you an insight into what life is like working in one of the UKs largest teaching hospitals. St George's Health Service, located in Kew, provides a comprehensive aged care service, including inpatient care, evaluation and management, residential aged care, rehabilitation, acute psychiatry, as well as a broad range of community-based assessment and treatment services. . Contact our team on or 020 7806 4000 to find out more. Our Lactation Consultant Jo King provides a session to assist women to successfully breastfeed. Are you sure you want to delete your template? Lets get to know consultant Rhys. Within its cancer network, it has the largest number of cancer patients in the Trust. We'd love to hear your feedback. The Wandsworth Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) service Contact Details Address: St George's Cancer Care 131 Leinster Road Strowan Christchurch 8014. You will be referred to us if there is a concern regarding your liver, pancreas or biliary system. New Outpatient appointments. Children's & Adolescent Services. . Wed love to hear your views. ITU free visiting hours except 13.00-15.00 quiet time Contact Tel: 0208 672 1255 Trust Website: View all Hospitals The Clinical Perfusion department provides Clinical Perfusion services to the Adult Cardiothoracic Unit at St. Georges University Hospitals NHS . Address St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Blackshaw Road Tooting London SW17 0QT Get directions (opens in Google Maps) Phone 020 8672 1255 Online Visit trust website Send email to trust What patients say Latest reviews of this trust Read all 8 reviews Lab error caused unnecessary distress Rated 4 stars out of 5 We provide services to both children and adults. Cameras follow the wards inside St Georges Hospital in south west London, which has one of the busiest A&E departments across the whole of Britain. Most staff employed by the Trust can be contacted by . Dermatology at St George's Hospital. . David Flood Fax: +961 1 582 560. . This key role . . Sorry no results were found for your query, ArmA-PS Arm - Activity, Participation, Symptoms Form, Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre, Emergency Department Clinical Research Group, Haemophilia Centre - Travelling Abroad Information, James Lind Alliance Outpatient Service Delivery Priority Setting Partnership, Prehabilitation before surgery with our Get Set 4 Surgery programme, Southwest London Post-Covid Specialised Assessment Service, St George's Breast Education Centre Faculty, Twins Trust Centre for Research and Clinical Excellence, Wandsworth Childrens Social Services Occupational Therapy (CSS OT). Dr. Faheem Ahmad Dr Niraj Ahuja Dr Akintunde Alabi Dr Charlotte Allan Dr Nahrwan Alshamasi Dr Renuka Arjundas Dr Daniel Armstrong Dr Priya Bandi Dr Sarala Bharathi Rajaram Barathy Dr Robert (Bob) Barber Dr Sankalpa Basu Dr Deborah Beere Dr Gillian Bell Dr Sophia Bennett Dr Neeraj Berry Dr Ruth Bevan Page 1 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Consultant name. . Outpatient Services Directory & Referral Guide - St George's YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. College Counseling 401-842-6706. Contact us 03 375 6020 03 375 6339 Email (non-urgent enquiries) Location Directions to this location Parking nearby Map of building Address St George's Maternity Centre 249 Papanui Road Strowan Christchurch 8014 Print this page Tel: 01372 735 735, Cotswold Road Phone Number. Tel: 020 8296 2000, Dorking Road Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery. . St Georges Hospital is one of Londons leading teaching hospitals and one of four Major Trauma Centres in . . Child development & disability services. . Consultants directory | NHFT Home Page Search the NHFT website Advanced options Home Find a service or location Adult mental health, learning disabilities and speciality services Acute Liaison Service and Psychiatry for Older Persons Adult ADHD, Autism and Tourette's Team (AAATT) Adult Inpatients Acute Adult Inpatient Low Secure He did his higher surgical training on the Cambridge and Norwich rotation and obtained specialist registration in 2018. There are more than 1,000 outpatient clinics at St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust each week where . Find the information you need, fast with SpecialistInfo. Cancer Genetics. . Our consultants directory contains profiles of consultants that work at our hospitals on a permanent basis. . Brilliant staff, patients, and insightful interviews with Dr Rhys. Joseph Garcia was born on April 25, 1921. The Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre at St Georges Hospital is an internationally renowned unit for neurology, neurosurgery, neurorehabilitation . Print This Page GP priority access line. . . Rethink: Raising Capital in the Midst of a Global Crisis. Surname A B C D E F G H I J K L M Middletown, RI 02842 She also has three siblings: elder brother Erron, who is also a musician, elder sister Cameron, and younger sister Danielle. By speciality. . Department Of Genetics . St George's Health Service Kew is a member of St Vincent's Health . Consultants. Healthcare Knowledge Ltd (Creators of SpecialistInfo). function googleTranslateElementInit() { It serves a population of 3 million, covering a wide geographical area including South West London and surrounding areas of Surrey and Sussex. . Street Road Animal Hospital Veterinary Clinics & Hospitals Veterinarians Veterinary Information & Referral Services (51) BBB Rating: A+ Website 17 YEARS IN BUSINESS (215) 396-4747 . . . Information for patients, carers and staff, Learn more about alternatives to seeking treatment. 2023. Strike action: how to access care and how we are continuing care, St Georges, Epsom and St Helier Hospital Group, People and Organisational Development Strategy, Your information and what you should know (privacy notice), Site search and information for professionals menu, Renal services, Renal and transplantation unit, Critical care, Anaesthetics, Chronic pain, South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC), Renal services, SW Thames Renal and Transplantation Unit. . Visiting hours Ward visiting is 10.00-12.00 and 15.30-20.00 with a quiet time between 12.00 and 14.30. Section A asks about caring for your affected arm either by yourself using . St George's Hospital in Tooting in south London is in one of the boroughs most affected by Covid, and it's bracing for a crisis. . . Welcome to the Hand Therapy team at St Georges Hospital. Location (optional) . . St Georges University Hospital has a long and proud history in providing specialist childrens services from the days of . __________________________________________________________. . . Phone: +64 3 375 6100. We are looking for your ideas for the important questions to research to . They are currently serviced by bus routes - 1: Blue line; 100: Grey line; 95: Red line. St George's Hospital heart unit was consumed by a "dark force" and patients were put at risk by a dysfunctional team of surgeons, an investigation concluded last month. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Clinic. UK CONSULTANTS; NHS & Private; . . Campus Safety 401-842-6666. Vitali Unit As a Spinal, Mr Mohans interests are Paediatric orthopaedics and traumas, adolescent knee disorders and adult soft tissue knee surgery. Hospital contacts Main hospital Phone: 020 8337 6691 Outpatient department Phone: 020 8335 4678 Self-pay patient enquiries and bookings Phone: 020 8335 4646 Diagnostic imaging Phone: 020 8335 4546 Pathology enquiries Phone: 020 8335 4520 Pharmacy Phone: 020 8335 4567 Physiotherapy Phone: 020 8337 6691 ext 2265 Wards 05727363 VAT No. . Find out more Our facilities The Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth is truly unique; offering the highest quality private care to patients. Map and Directory. I specialise in knee surgery including arthroscopy, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, osteotomy and partial knee replacement for localised arthritis and total knee replacement for generalised arthritis. View More. He became a FRCS (Eng) in 1997 and FRCS (Gen) in 2004. . The Occupational Health Service recognises that its employees are its greatest asset. . 372 Purgatory Road If I'm ever poorly in London I hope to god he's on duty.. This unit has reviewed its outcomes for the last quarter. . . Accessibility tools . I want Great Care. . Website Industries Hospitals and Health Care Company size 501-1,000. Region: London SouthTrust: St George's Healthcare NHS TrustServices provided: Adult Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery, St George's HospitalBlackshaw RoadLondonSW17 0QT. . Sarcoidosis is a disease that leads to inflammation and clustering of immune system cells in various . St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust Outpatient Services Directory & Referral Guide Living our values excellent, kind, respectful, responsible. In conjunction with the regional stroke unit, the St Georges Vascular Institute offers a comprehensive service for patients with . Clinical infection, dermatology, gastroenterology, hepatology, genetics and rheumatology. Sarah Wheatstone specialises in improving ambulatory emergency surgical care, teaching and training. We met with six of the current physician associates working across five surgical specialties. }, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon - MBChB, MSC, PGCert Med, MRCS, FRCS (Tr&Orth), Clinical Neuropsychologist Kiran Hans-Tangri, Consultant General Surgeon Cleo Kenington, Professor of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine Asma Khalil, Centre for Haemostasis Haemophilia Centre, Lower Gastrointestinal (lower GI) Cancers, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Unit, Paediatric outpatients (SGH Dragon Centre), Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions Service, Paediatric orthopaedic outpatient service, Acute Neurology Rapid Access Clinics (HOT Clinics), Paediatric neurodevelopment, neurodisability and epilepsy, Twins Trust Centre for Research and Clinical Excellence, Huntingtons Disease Multidisciplinary Clinic, Red Cell Pain Management Service at St Georges Hospital, Red Cell and Haemoglobin Disorders Unit for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassaemia, Atkinson Morley Regional Neurosciences Centre, Paediatric Medicine (General and Developmental Paediatrics), Transition service for young adults with neuromuscular disorders, Our Young Persons Service: Support for Young People in the Adult Renal Unit at St Georges Hospital, The Advanced Ventricular Arrhythmia Training and Research (AVATAR) program at St. Georges Hospital, London, UK, General urology and benign prostate disease. After your operation you should always follow the advice given by the staff looking after you, which will help you . Find out more Infection and Immunity Patients . Clients have included: Directory of Social Change (DSC ) , Eastside Primetimers, Inspire Motivate & Engage (IME) , South Thames College, St George's Hospital, Dr Johnson House, Help. Cardiology. COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 . He completed his basic surgical training at East of England, becoming a Member of the . 1-888-ICALLSG (422-5574), St. George's School Ross Coomber completed fellowshipsin Malawi, coveringtrauma, infection and tumour resection anda, I have been a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at St Georges since completing my specialist and fellowship-level training. Cancer Services. Sutton SM2 5NF Directories. St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of Londons leading teaching hospitals with an international reputation for quality of care and cutting-edge treatment. . Injuries can range from simple splinters and beads in ears, to critically unwell children and adults, according to Rhys on St Georges website. . . Jenner Wing. Lead Nurse, Safeguarding Adults MAIN PHONE 401-847-7565. To view additional national data, see the Cardiac Unit and Outcome Data page in the Professionals section. . The Emergency Department (ED) at St Georges leads and participates in a number of . His practice includes all aspects of spinal surgery, including surgery for cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral pathology. . . Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain & Ireland Surgery on the heart valve involves repair or replacement of the damaged valve or valves. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! He has worked at St Georges Hospital for over seven years, and regularly features on Channel 4s 24 Hours in A&E. . . St Georges pharmacy department provides and supervises the use of all medicines prescribed within the Trust. St Georges welcomes private patients from the UK and abroad. Hospital Inspectors. For your safety and wellbeing St George's Hospital is a smokefree environment. Telephone 020 8672 1255 Find us View Larger Map St George's Hospital Blackshaw Road Tooting London SW17 0QT Reception: 020 8672 1255 How to get to St George's Download PDF map of site Queen Mary's Hospital Roehampton Lane Roehampton London SW15 5PN Reception: 020 8487 6000 How to get to Queen Mary's Download PDF map of site Having completed his basic surgical training he went on to specialist training in orthopaedics on the Leeds Yorkshire rotation. . The reality of a typical shift working for the NHS is showcased in Channel 4s 24 Hours in A&E. He treats a wide range of spinal diseases and back injuries, ranging from the simplest disc problems to complex cancer and scoliosis surgeries. During the five years of training prior to my fellowship, I set up and ran what is now the largest database worldwide of revision hip procedures performed using an extensively, Prof. Duncan Tennent BSc(Hons), FRCS(Orth), PgCert(MedEd), MAcadMEd, FFSTEd qualified from St. Bartholomews Hospital in 1992. . It is good to book for a class when you are around 34 weeks pregnant. Come and join a team you can be proud of. . . Back to top of page Dentistrycomprisesthree departments:Restorative Dentistry, Orthodontics and Paediatric (Childrens) Dentistry, andworks closely with the Oral and Maxillofacial . The form with name 'BHRUT Feedback' has . If you are IN Lebanon, call us on our abbreviated 4 digits number 1287. from any mobile or fixed line. Education [ edit] Angus George Dalgleish was born in May 1950 in Harrow, London. Cardiac services (community) Cardiology. Menu. . Advancement Office 1-888-ICALLSG (422-5574) Athletic Office 401-842-6644. . Subscribe for access to our full list of UK NHS & Private Consultants Specialists and Surgeons. Background Part of the Douglas Bader Rehabilitation Centre, the Vitali Unit provides the necessary outpatient services, clinics and resources . Lower Ground Floor Ward visiting is 10.00-12.00 and 15.30-20.00 with a quiet time between 12.00 and 14.30. Colorectal cancer services. MBChB (Otago,1982); FRACS (1991) Specialist Training: Post FRACS training as Clinical Fellow and locum Consultant, Queen Elizabeth and Birmingham Children's Hospitals, Birmingham, UK (1991-1993) Positions & Memberships: . Contrast: Site map; . (formerly Matron, Accident & Emergency), Claire Copland The cardiothoracic unit heart valve centre is a multidisciplinary group of cardiologists, echocardiographers, radiologists, anaesthetists and surgeons, proficient in diagnosing . . St Georges Hospital is the major trauma centre for the south west London and Surrey trauma network covering a . Bicycle racks are also available on site. Print this page St George's looks after more than 13,000 patients each year and accepts all major health insurers. . Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust serves a population of more than 410,000 people living in north Surrey. 4241 S River Rd, Saint George, UT, 84790-4729. 1113536 Company No. He began his career at the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham and moved to the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore for a period of basic science research before, Mr Gillespie trained at University College Dublin Medical School. If you are OUTSIDE Lebanon, call us on +961 1 441 000 or +961 1 575 700. Panos who died of cancer. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); I also specialise in fracture surgery, having done a year long trauma, I was educated at Epsom College and St Marys Hospital, Paddington. . The damning review. . Full Directory; Teaching Chairs; Contact Us. Corridor 9 All Rights Reserved. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implant (TAVI), Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA), SCTS Education Tips & Tricks Operative Video Prize, Best Practice & Service Improvement Projects, Nursing & Allied Health Professionals (NAHP), Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Working Group, SCTS Regional Speciality Professional Advisors, Caring for Patients Nearing the End of Life, Using Data to Support Change in Clinical Practice, Cardiac Unit and Outcome Data page in the Professionals section. If you are travelling abroad with haemophilia it is always useful to be aware of the nearest haemophilia centre. . We provide specialist care and clinics . If your loved one has died at St Georges, the Bereavement Services team are here to help you. The Twins Trust Centre for Research and Clinical Excellence is a collaboration between St Georges and the Twins Trust . COVID-19 guidance for people living with TSC This Directory has been compiled to assist GPs in quickly identifying general and specialty outpatient services for their patients. . To view the full faculty/staff directory. Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Please search by consultant name or speciality. Associate chief operating officer for adult, diagnostic and specialist services Community palliative care team Consultant clinical psychologist Consultant neurologist Consultant respiratory and general medicine Emergency planning and liaison officer General porter Medical secretary Mortuary team Neuro physiotherapist Cancer Genetics. 2023 GRV Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. . The General Intensive Care service cares for the most severely ill patients in the hospital. Hand therapy is the art and science of evaluating and . It is an accredited, principal teaching hospital of the University of New South Wales and is not only the largest hospital within the Local Health District, but is among the leading centres for trauma and emergency management in the State. The penile cancer team has the largest network of its kind in the UK and has the largest contemporaneous series of penile cancer patients worldwide. 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