The United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM) was established on 9 April 1991, following the forced withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait after the Gulf War. In accordance with resolution 1528 (2004), UNOCI took over from the forces of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United Nations Mission in Cte dIvoire (MINUCI), a political mission set up by the Security Council in May 2003. The United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH) was established on 21 December 1995 to contribute to the establishment of the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina by assisting in reforming and restructuring the local police, assessing the functioning of the existing judicial system and monitoring and auditing the performance of the police and others involved in the maintenance of law and order. The United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) was established by the Security Council on 29 May 1948 through the adoption of resolution 50 (1948), following the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Imagine being bequeathed a diamond mine and complaining it wasn't the diamond ring you were hoping for.. Speaking last year, Brett McGurk, the White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, said the US had four main objectives in Syria: to reduce violence, maintain military pressure. The Mission successfully accomplished the assigned tasks and was terminated on 15 May 2000. The U.N. peacekeeping mission in the . Experts say the U.S. support is a bit more than just beneficial the SDF would collapse without American troops. How much faith are you willing to break with your Kurdish partners? The United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda (UNOMUR) was established on 22 June 1993, to monitor the border between Uganda and Rwanda and verify that no military assistance was being provided to Rwanda. Despite President Barack Obamas talk of a red line should the al-Assad government use chemical weapons in Syria, it was only under President Donald Trump that the first direct attacks against the Syrian government were conducted. It was going back to Iraq. Rebuilding schools and futures: the impact of UNDOF's Quick Impact Projects. The purchase will allow Australia to continue bolstering its Indo-Pacific presence to counter China, as relations between both countries have soured due to trade disagreements in the past year. reported. Both countries have experienced more difficult relations since the U.K. opted to leave the European Union in 2016. The deployment isnt a forever war they will come home at some point but providing a timetable wouldnt be smart. It is late January when Jurga Didziokaite returns to the Faouar school in Syria that the United Nations Disengagement Observation Force (UNDOF) peacekeepers recently refurbished. While youre at it, follow the rest of POLITICOs national security team: @nahaltoosi, @woodruffbets, @politicoryan, @PhelimKine, @ChristopherJM, @BryanDBender, @laraseligman, @connorobrienNH, @paulmcleary, @leehudson, @AndrewDesiderio and @JGedeon1 plus our summer interns, @Lawrence_Ukenye and @nicolle_liu. The SDF benefits from DoD funding and provision of counterterrorism training and equipment to carry out these vital operations, which serve as the most critical mechanism for sustaining the battlefield gains achieved in the Global Coalitions fight against ISIS in Syria, Lodewick said. Other initial priority tasks include support for the transition process, facilitating humanitarian assistance, promotion and protection of human rights; support for justice and the rule of law, and disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation processes. It provides logistics by air and money. By resolution 2559 (2020), the Security Council terminated the mandate of UNAMID as of 31 December 2020. President JOE BIDEN: Today, I am praying for the families of those 13 fallen warriors, who lost a piece of their soul one year ago. The United Nations Civilian Police Support Group (UNPSG) was established on 19 December 1997 to continue monitoring the performance of the Croatian police in the Danube region, particularly with respect to the return of displaced persons. The United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM I) was established on 24 April 1992 to monitor the cease-fire in Mogadishu, Somalia and to provide protection and security for United Nations personnel, equipment and supplies at the seaports and airports in Mogadishu and escort deliveries of humanitarian supplies from there to distribution centres in the city and its immediate environs. Yes, in fact, the U.S. still has roughly 900 troops in northeast Syria right now. On 14 January 2009, the Council authorized the deployment of a military component of MINURCAT to follow up the European Union military force, known as EUFOR. That said, no one we spoke to could describe the conditions under which U.S. troops could leave Syria. The cost of a medal is 560 rubles. The United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH) was established in September 1993 to help implement provisions of the Governors Island Agreement of 3 July 1993. Practices, Procedures and Working Methods, Provisional Rules of Procedure (S/96/Rev.7), Security Council Practices and Charter Research Branch, ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, Ombudsperson ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, The Democratic Republic of Congo Sanctions Committee, International Independent Investigation Commission, Procurement of DPRK coal by Member States, Supply, sale or transfer of all refined petroleum products to the DPRK, The Central African Republic Sanctions Committee, Narrative Summaries of Reasons for Listing, Ombudsperson to the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, Reports of "Hitting the Ground Running" workshop, VTCs, meetings and outcomes during COVID-19, Reports of the Security Council Missions , United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB), United Nations Mission in Cte dIvoire (MINUCI), United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Liberia (UNOL), United Nations Integrated Office for Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL), United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), Missions of the Security Council and the Secretary-General, Representatives, Mediators, Coordinators, and Good Offices, Subsidiary Organs Proposed but Not Established, Current Subsidiary Organs of the Security Council. As the former senior defense official put it: The military situation in Syria has outrun the policy guidance for Syria.. The United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) was established by the Security Council on 30 November 1999 through the adoption of resolution 1279 (1999), following the signing of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement in July 1999 between the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and five regional States. The official administration line is that these forces, primarily special operators, are there to help the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fight the remnants of the Islamic State terrorist group,. The SDF is busy conducting targeted raids against ISIS members, guarding over 10,000 fighters in detention, and providing security, Lodewick said. You further agree to our privacy policy and terms of service. The United States air attacks on targets it says were associated with Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in eastern Syria have put the spotlight once again on the continued presence of US forces in the country. The US doesn't do peacekeeping, it's a function of the UN. This space is reserved for the top U.S. and foreign officials, the lawmakers, the lobbyists, the experts and the people like you who care about how the natsec sausage gets made. 28 December 2021 Peace and Security. But if you come out [Syrian President BASHAR AL] ASSAD has won this war. UNAMID formally took over from African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS) on 31 December 2007. Here are some examples: They say they are on a "peacekeeping" mission. On 20 July 2012, the Security Council extended the mission for 30 days and said that any further extension could be possible only ''in the event that the Secretary-General reports and the. On 18 December 2020, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2555 (2020), extending until 30 June 2021 UNDOF's mandate of maintaining the ceasefire between Israeli and Syrian troops. The United Nations Observer Mission in South Africa (UNOMSA) was established in 1992 in order to help quell violence in South Africa in coordination with the structures set up under the National Peace Accord signed on 14 September 1991 as well as to create conditions for negotiations leading to the establishment of a democratic, non-racial and united South Africa. Ankara. In resolution 2350 (2017), following the termination of the mandate of MINUSTAH, the Security Council established a follow-on United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) with the mandate to assist the Government of Haiti to strengthen rule of law institutions in Haiti. Jensen Guillory. The United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III) was established on 8 February 1995 to assist the Government of Angola and the Unio Nacional para a Independncia Total de Angola (UNITA) in restoring peace and achieving national reconciliation. It was succeeded by the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB). The Middle East mission comes under the title. The Assad regime is mopping up a civil war with Russian help. ", National Security Daily - POLITICO Archive, View the Full National Security Daily Archives . They are going to get rolled up and slaughtered, said one former senior defense official. The US contributed approximately 2,000 soldiers to the coalition, and in October 2015 supported the creation of the Syrian Democratic Forces, a group largely made up of the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG) militia. 24 Jan 2023. Military bases in Iraq and Syria that hold American troops were attacked Wednesday, though no US forces were killed in the strikes, according to Iraqi officials and the US-led coalition. U.S. and coalition forces work together with the SDF in the area to maintain pressure on the group and ensure detained fighters are kept off the battlefield, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. The US presence in the base was agreed upon with Russia, and is part of a 55km (34 miles) deconfliction zone, which US and allied forces patrol. In accordance with resolution 1827 (2008) of 30 July 2008, the Mission was terminated on 31 July 2008. They ask member states to contribute troops. The UN-led peace process, including the constitutional committee, made virtually no progress this year, following a fifth round of talks held in January 2021. The United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) was established by resolution 2043 (2012) of 21 April 2012, to monitor the cessation of armed violence and support the implementation of a six-point proposal to end the conflict in Syria. UNIKOM was tasked to monitor the demilitarized zone (DMZ) along the Iraq-Kuwait border, deter border violations and report on any hostile actions. UNTAG was terminated with the accession of Namibia to independence on 21 March 1990. The official administration line is that these forces, primarily special operators, are there to help the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fight the remnants of the Islamic State terrorist group, which is still very much active despite the 2019 defeat of the so-called caliphate. The United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) was established by the Security Council through the adoption of resolution 849 (1993) of 9 July 1993, to verify compliance with the ceasefire agreement between the Government of Georgia and the Abkhaz authorities in Georgia. By its resolution 2284 (2016) of 28 April 2016, the Security Council extended the mandate of UNOCI for a final period until 30 June 2017. The United Nations Support Mission in Haiti (UNSMIH) was established on 28 June 1996 to assist the Government of Haiti in the professionalization of the police and in the maintenance of a secure and stable environment conducive to the success of current efforts to establish and train an effective national police force. "Of course, we also hope to see a political solution to the Syrian civil war, but that is not the basis for our military presence.. This act of violence was not an isolated incident but just the latest example of the increased hostility that . Taiwan needs to know that we will be here to help them, she said. Soon we found a photo of this medal actually issued on VK, . The sale comes after Australia initially flew Black Hawks before opting to purchase European-made MRH-90 Taipans, which have proved unreliable and costly to maintain. The US government has maintained the importance of staying in Syria to confront ISIL and Iran even under Trump, who said he would withdraw US forces from Syria, some have remained. The United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia (UNCRO) was established on 31 March 1995 to replace the United Nations Protection Force in the former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR). Deployments smaller than 100 personnel or paramilitaries, police, contractors, mercenaries, or proxy forces are not included. This past Thursday, in a reversal of President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw all U.S. military forces from Syria, the White House announced that "a small peacekeeping group of about 200 will remain in Syria for a period of time." Al-Assads main backer, Russia, has also called for the US to leave. UNPROFOR was terminated on 15 December 1995. We are not going to stay in Syria forever, nobody thinks that. About . UNTAES concluded its mandate in January 1998, having accomplished its key objective of peacefully reintegrating Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium into Croatia. The Mission completed its mandate on 31 December 2010, in accordance with resolution 1923 (2010) and at the request of the Chadian Government, which had pledged full responsibility for protecting civilians on its territory. UNReliefChief. Its tasks included monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the Lebanese armed forces as they deployed throughout the south of Lebanon, and extending its assistance to help ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons. The World Factbook defines deployed as a permanently stationed force or a temporary deployment of greater than six months. But the presence of the Americans is also important to cut [Iranian] military and smuggling supply lines [from Iraq] if the Iranians took al-Tanf, there would be a direct link between Tehran, Baghdad and Damascus.. The United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) was established on 28 February 1992, with the mandate to ensure the implementation of the Paris Agreements of 23 October 1991, including those relating to the conduct of free and fair elections and the relevant aspects of the administration of Cambodia. In a remote part of Syria's northeast, a few kilometers from the oil-rich town of Rumeilan . United Nations "Blue Helmet" peacekeepers suffered losses and injuries, particularly those serving in the peacekeeping missions in Mali and the Central . The Syrian government has constantly expressed its opposition to the US role in Syria, and demanded US forces withdraw. From the SitRoom to the E-Ring, the inside scoop on defense, national security and foreign policy. PENTAGON COMMITS TO CYBERSECURITY GOAL: The Department of Defense is committed to establishing a zero-trust cybersecurity, wherein all users must be authenticated, before the end of the current decade, Breaking Defense's JASPREET GILL reported. The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) was established by the Security Council on 31 May 1974 through the adoption of resolution 350 (1974), following the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and the subsequent agreed disengagement of the Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights. The mandate included facilitating the implementation of the Agreement; monitoring the ceasefire; monitoring the withdrawal of foreign forces and providing security in the transport corridors; providing technical assistance and monitoring the entire electoral process. Though the mission may have dropped from public attention, the United States still has boots on the ground in the other nation it invaded in the wake of 9/11. Some US forces are still located in the SDF-controlled areas of northeastern Syria, such as Hassakeh and Raqqa provinces. WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND: Thanks for tuning in to NatSec Daily. 1. ($1 billion) in 2022, Naftogaz CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov said during the Business Breakfast Forbes weekly stream on March 1. . The United Nations Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA) was established on 30 June 1997 to assist the Angolan parties in consolidating peace and national reconciliation, enhancing confidence-building and creating an environment conducive to long-term stability, democratic development and rehabilitation of the country. The US has conducted raids against senior ISIL and al-Qaeda leaders in Syria, including, The official goal of the Americans in Syria is defeating ISIS and ensuring that ISIS does not return to the areas that have been liberated, said Mzahem Alsaloum, a Syrian analyst. Speaking last year, Brett McGurk, the White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, said the US had four main objectives in Syria: to reduce violence, maintain military pressure on ISIL, address Syrias humanitarian crisis, and to support Israel. To move the map around to view more countries, place your mouse cursor on the map, you will see a hand pointer. Presenting the latest UN Human Rights Council -mandated report on the nearly 11-year-old . To that end, UNOSOM II was to complete, through disarmament and reconciliation, the task begun by the Unified Task Force, the multinational force authorized by the Security Council, for the restoration of peace, stability, law and order. Learn more. They will be sworn into their roles on Aug. 22. 9 March 2022 Human Rights. LORD OF CLAPBACKS: JONATHAN LORD had some wise words about our top item yesterday, saying we were unfair to the Defense Department as the agency works to implement the CHMRAP. President Donald Trump has come under fierce. The United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF II) in the Middle East was established in October 1973 to supervise the ceasefire between Egyptian and Israeli forces and, following the conclusion of the agreements of 18 January 1974 and 4 September 1975, to supervise the redeployment of Egyptian and Israeli forces and to man and control the buffer zones established under those agreements. To view each mission fact sheet in the big circle with the number 4 on it, click on the circle. (Lolita Baldor/AP) Maj. Gen. Eric Hill . Peacekeeping operations have had mandates ranging from traditional methods of resolving disputes peacefully under Chapter VI, such as promoting reconciliation, assisting with the implementation. The United Nations Protection Force in the former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR) was established on 21 February 1992, as an interim arrangement to create the conditions of peace and security required for the negotiation of an overall settlement of the Yugoslav crisis. Tasks included monitoring the demilitarized zones in Croatia, insuring the protection of civilians and facilitating the return of displaced peoples. On 18 December 2020, the Security Council unanimously adopted, Mandates and the legal basis for peacekeeping, Mano River Basin, 25 years of peacekeeping, Strategy for the Digital Transformation of UN Peacekeeping, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Statements by Under-Secretary-General of Peace Operations, Statements by Under-Secretary-General of Operational Support. UNPSG expired on 15 October 1998. The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) was established by the Security Council on 28 May 2010 through the adoption of resolution 1925 (2010), to succeed the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). During the Syrian conflict, however, there were violations of the ceasefire with the escalation of military activity in the area of separation patrolled by UNDOF peacekeepers. The eastern Syria raids announced on Wednesday appear to be part of the latter, with Central Command spokesperson Colonel Joe Buccino saying the strikes were necessary to protect and defend US personnel, and a response to an August 15 attack targeting US forces that was allegedly launched by Iranian-backed militias. Then repeat the instruction 1 above to go to each mission fact sheet. In 2022, the European Commission and its member states contributed $770 million in aid. US military changes explanation of attack on base in Syria By The Associated Press Apr 15, 2022 Soldiers from 1/163rd Combined Arms Battalion unload M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles off a U.S.. Since then, UNTSO military observers have remained in the Middle East and continued to assist and cooperate with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), in monitoring ceasefires, supervising of armistice agreements and preventing isolated incidents from escalating. East Timor became an independent country from Indonesia on 20 May 2002 when termination of UNTAET took place with the establishment of a successor mission, the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET). To zoom in/out the map, simply click on the square buttons with +/ - symbols to adjust. They say. AKP Phnom Penh, December 06, 2022 --Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister H.E. The United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM II) was established on 30 May 1991 to verify the arrangements agreed by the Angolan parties for the monitoring of the cease-fire between the Government and UNITA and of the Angolan police during the cease-fire period and to observe and verify the elections in that country. The Mission ended on 15 February 2000. The United Nations Operation in Cte dIvoire (UNOCI) was established by the Security Council on 4 April 2004 through the adoption of resolution 1528 (2004). Below is a list of all sixty-two peacekeeping operations as well as three advance or observer missions established by the Security Council, with a short description on the basis of the content of the Repertoire as well as links to the sections covering them in the Repertoire. UNOMUR was officially closed on 21 September 1994. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The United Nations Advance Mission in the Sudan (UNAMIS) was established in 11 June 2004 to build on the momentum of the progress made in the peace process under the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army and to prepare for the introduction of an envisaged peace support operation following the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement. UNOMSA was terminated effective 27 June 1994. "The significant role that women have played in the area of peacekeeping operations is certainly noteworthy. UNPREDEP was terminated on 28 February 1999. In 2014, the Security Council authorized by resolution 2149 (2014) the deployment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) with the protection of civilians as its utmost priority. Following the complete withdrawal of the Missions military component, MINUSTAH was terminated on 15 October 2017. The F-35 delivers the unrivaled advantage for our pilots, nation, and partners. Transitioning to a new defense-adjacent or foreign policy-focused gig? You can unsubscribe at any time and can contact us here. The US doesn't do peacemaking with troops on the ground. UNAMIC was absorbed by UNTAC in March 1992. This is a list of United Nations peacekeeping missions since the United Nations was founded in 1945, organized by region, with the dates of deployment, the name of the related conflict, and the name of the UN operation.. Peacekeeping, as defined by the United Nations, is a way to help countries torn by conflict create conditions for sustainable peace.. UN peacekeeperssoldiers and military . By its resolution 2350 (2017) of 13 April 2017, the Security Council extended the mandate of MINUSTAH for a final six month period. The end of World War II (1939-1545) by Germany's (May 8) and Japan's surrender (August 15) brought a major socio-political transformation in the colonialised nations of Asia. ONUB successfully completed its mandate on 31 December 2006. In the current situation in Syria there's no peace to keep. The announcement of a Turkish military operation against the YPG in northern Syria led to the withdrawal of some US troops in October 2019. The United Nations Yemen Observation Mission (UNYOM) was established in July 1963 to observe and certify the implementation of the disengagement agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic. Sherman has prioritized improving the Pentagon's cybersecurity infrastructure to protect weapons systems and help safeguard against China and other adversaries looking to launch cyberattacks. The Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, manages the two primary U.S. security assistance programs focused on building international peacekeeping capacity: the Global Peace Operations Initiative and the African Peacekeeping Rapid Response Partnership. We cannot return to those days," a senior administration official told NatSec Daily, speaking on the condition of anonymity to speak freely about internal thinking. The Syrian Democratic Forces have proven to be immensely effective at expelling ISIS from northeastern Syria. The United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) was established by the Security Council on 25 August 2006 through the adoption of resolution 1704 (2006), as a follow-on mission to the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL) in the wake of a major political, humanitarian and security crisis which erupted in Timor-Leste in April-May 2006. UNOMIL was superseded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Liberia (UNOL) in 1997. Were not above criticism here at NatSec Daily, and we thank Lord for his thoughtful response. Dont miss us too much. On 11 July 2011, UNMIS terminated its operations with the completion of the interim period agreed on by the Government of Sudan and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Lawrence Ukenye is an editorial intern at POLITICO. ABBEY GATE ATTACK REMEMBERED: Top administration officials released memorial statements for the 13 American service members 11 Marines, a solider and a sailor and 170 Afghan civilians killed in a terrorist attack outside the Hamid Karzai International Airports Abbey Gate a year ago today. European sanctions have never prevented the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria. This entry lists military forces deployed to other countries or territories abroad. The State Department on Thursday announced the potential $2 billion sale of Black Hawk helicopters to Australia, our friends at Morning Defense (for Pros!) BLACK HAWKS TO AUSTRALIA? In addition, some estimates, such as those by the US military, are significantly influenced by deployment policies, contingencies, or world events and may change suddenly. Nearby fires caused the last electric power lines at the Russian-controlled plant, Europes largest, to disconnect twice on Thursday, troubling leaders in the U.S. and Ukraine. The United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) was established in 1992 to help implement the General Peace Agreement, signed by the President of the Republic of Mozambique and the President of the Resistncia Nacional Moambicana. ** Lebanon The UN team in Lebanon, led by UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Imran Riza, is working with authorities and partners to combat the spread of cholera in a country that is already plagued . By resolution 2466 (2019), the Council extended the mandate of MINUJUSTH for a final period until 15 October 2019. They are facing a very aggressive Chinese Communist Party at this point in time, and they need to know that they have an ally in the United States, she said in an interview with our own NICOLLE LIU before boarding. Our broader commitment to the Afghan people endures, and we will continue to pursue principled diplomacy and other measures to ensure that Afghanistan never again becomes a haven for international terrorists.. Dozens of military aircraft and several vessels from the People's Liberation Army conducted drills near Taiwan on Tuesday, according to the island's ministry of defense. F-35 sensor fusion provides vast amounts of information to accelerate critical decisions and win the fight. The US military will keep 200 troops in Syria to serve as a peacekeeping force after it pulls out most of its soldiers, the White House says. Find us on Facebook Find us on Twitter Find us on YouTube Find us on Flickr Find us on Tumblr Find us on Instagram RSS feedMedium, Mandates and the legal basis for peacekeeping, Mano River Basin, 25 years of peacekeeping, Strategy for the Digital Transformation of UN Peacekeeping, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Statements by Under-Secretary-General of Peace Operations, Statements by Under-Secretary-General of Operational Support, To select a mission, click on the pin/marker on the map; you will see a slide of the mission at the right side of the map, which has a link (. ARMY SIGNS DEAL WITH HAWKEYE 360: U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command and Hawkeye 360 Inc. on Thursday entered a two-year deal to develop RF-sensing capabilities. In September 2014, a US-led coalition launched air raids against ISIL in Syria, as part of a campaign it was already conducting in Iraq. The Kurdish-led force has no hope in hell of being able to defend themselves. 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