Add some photos to your favorite articles! Please understand the language and terms you are using. Ahkmenrah's tomb is first seen during daylight as Cecil the previous night guard shows Larry. He is said to be one of the greatest rulers of Egypt next to his Father and Grandfather. Plus, my angst about how horribly he was treated in the movie and why he deserved better. I wont be home tonight because of plans with friends. Although not mentioned in the movies, it is a popular fan theory that Ahkmenrah died at eighteen years old, similar to King Tut. Larry had returned the next night to the museum. A gardener and a prince look for the beauty in the world and end up finding it in each other. Ahkmenrah died on the floor of throne room as the rays of Ras light fell upon his body. When you put the suffix on like this you are saying they are not your sibling. (Page 30), The first film mentions that his tomb was discovered and brought to New York in 1956, however the third film shows that young. Take into account the era which you are writing in. Bratty (anime Kagome specifically). Octavius feels this feeling of boredom, and soon his mind begins to remeber some memories. Later when Larry is confused on how everything in the museum is coming to life Theodore Roosevelt shows him the tablet in Ahkmenrah's tomb and explains that it is what brings them all to life. These statues were also excavated from his tomb. At the end of the film, it is decided that Ahkmenrah should remain in the British Museum, with his parents. He came offering peace only wanting to be home. Her long lush black hairthe white of her dress. Wear a mask. Such as when Kohaku addresses Sango asOnee-San because she is older than him. Lost to him forever! Yet, all was not sorrow. . Once inside, he closed the gate behind him. Ahkmenrah II was discovered in 1982 and is housed in the Cairo Museum. His eyes stung with each tear. Start reading. It bounced off the glass like the plastic it is in daylight. Requests will be taken and even just questions as well as conversations are welcome! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Doctor and his companions are in ancient Egypt. Level 2 security clearance is required to view this file. [During NATM III) Emma Daley had been working alongside her father as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History for a good few years and during that time, she had gotten close with the inhabitants. She and Ahk have been dating for a good few years . What of Iset? ahkmenrah x male oc , Ahkmenrah x reader Although, T A new exhibition is coming to the museum. A book of One-Shots of anything from Attack on Titan to DC to Disney, Anime and Cartoons, Movies and TV Shows. Larry and Nick adopt an Egyptian cat for Ahkmenrah and Nick takes the opportunity to ask about the Egyptian faith of Ahkmenrah. This will include characters from video games, books, movies, and TV shows. Ahkmenrah in the eyes of his father was the King Egypt needed. Once moved to the natural history museum he began hearing this voice singing ever so sweetly, like the wind. To save their lives Larry slides the stone holding Ahkmenrah in his tomb off and lets the pharaoh out. Oh, by the way, do you remember about your death? With a little advice from Ahkmenrah and a party, the miniatures finally make a move. Larry should have known nothing goes to plan for him. Ahkmenrah is a fictional teenaged[1][2] ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who, with his tablet, came to the Museum of Natural History in 1952. , Our story is set in London, England, after a certain American security night guard pays a visit to the Museum of Natural History in order to save the museum. However, those 18 years may have been the time in which he was on display at Cambridge University. I dont mind c: Our time is almost up, Octavius said softly. Akhmenrah placed his hands on his chest and sobbed softly again. While he does this you can hear Ahkmenrah wailing from inside his sarcophagus and Theodore tells him "Yell all you want Pharaoh, you been in there for 54 years, you're not getting out tonight!" secretly-larry-daley. Because he knew it was probably for the best_______. The last time Ahkmenrah saw his wife was as she was being dragged into the escape tunnel. During the film, the young pharaoh steadily gets worse with every tablet flare-up and toward the end he almost reverts back to his dead, full-mummy form where he rapidly begins to rot and turn into 'zombie like' state again. In this work, you're a writer, hoping to start a novel on the magical Museum of Natural History. He looked just like him. Even if it is a fanfiction and not an original story you have to put in research. Why has no demon come after her? When a young God accidentally gets the Prince of Egypt sick with untamed magic, you follow him to the overworld in hopes of helping to heal the Prince and keep the young God safe. Not like that. Once you get in, you are given a private tour with the most handsome exhibits. Merenkahre had no choice but to banish his own son. A woman who lived a fulfilled life. Larry had to bring Ahkmenrah, the Tablet, and his group to the British Museum of Natural History where the mummies of Merenkahre and Shepseheret are held in . Sitting down at the small tv in the Security Guards office he put the DVD in the player. Most of these will be smut. The brothers met with swords in the great throne room. In doing this, he will be able to summon an immortal army from the underworld, so that he may resume his reign and expand his territory to claim the rest of the world. . A Pharaoh, he shouldn't be this weak! When you're forced to run away from the only home you remember, Ahkmen is terrified you'll get hurt, and subsequently earns the title of being your personal guard, following you halfway across the world. However, you've never stepped foot inside it. During his reign, he tried to find the tomb of his beloved mother. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". 7. Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Nick Daley Larry Daley Established Relationship they have a cat Cats cartoons mentioned Egyptian mythology mentioned slight questions of faith Fluffy They're a Family This is the most domestic fluffy you can get with an undead mummy Humor is this a Valentine's day fanfic? Things do not go to plan, and you find yourself without the guidance of a master commanding your every move, left alone with a Prince to save and humanity to discover. Although this is not actually mentioned in the film, the audience could very well assume that he had something to do with his younger brother's death. Ahkmenrah and Isetnofret ruled over Egypt for three years. Also, please be safe. The new museum is thriving on the magic of the tablet, but it's not where he belongs.It's going to be a long way home. Where are the bag of used products? He had lost hope and motive to get out after that, until he heard the voice. He in his goodness and happiness that had been blessed upon him wanted to share it with his only living family. PleaseI thank you for showing me this my friend. Plus, my angst about how horribly he was treated in the movie and why he deserved better. Someone you can't see. Shes there nearly every day - curled up in some comfortable corner of the museum, sketchbook in hand. AU :: One-Shot :: In which Larry forgets two things on Ahks first day home from nearly half a year away for work. I have been corrected numerous times by myASIAN friends on this subject. After a trip to the British Museum and a brush with death, Octavius and Jedediah are both more sure of their feelings now more than ever. It not it is alright. Ahkmenrah then explains he was on display at the Egyptology Department at Cambridge University and learned English there. His body started shaking with anger. That roughly puts him around 1986-1990 BC. Her name was Isetnofret. Besides, pharaohs weren't known for their kind spirits and agreeable natures. Slowly he walked up to his sarcophagus. Youre welcome. He is also the museum tablet's creator. Larry is smarter than he looks though. There are Numerous different types of Kimonos based on your status, your age, whether or not you are married, funeral/mourning kimonos, wedding kimonos, there is the nine layer. One theory is those night guards before even Cecil Fredericks thought that letting a real person out and about, not a stature or other wax figure, was more unpredictable and dangerous. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He had missed the birth of his son. #mine #my writing #night at the museum #ahkmenrah #natmweek23 #i know this is reeaally late but i got clearance to post a week late and then got sick. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. For example, the KIMONO. Now I am not asking you to learn Japanese just to write a fanfiction. What happens when a handsome young Egyptian prince falls for a beautiful young Roman princess. He holds a grudge against Ahkmenrah for the special treatment he received from their parents, saying that they "always gave him the best of everything." He had killed their parents our of jealousy and hatred. Work Search: I heard some tragic things about your brother murdering you and your parents only to be the cause of your wifes death! Features multiple scenarios, and characters from NATM! However! 1. He helps Larry tally up all the animals and exhibits. Something is troubling you, my friend, I can see it. However, in this case, Sesshoumaru raised Rin from the age of about 6ish. . This is not okay. I am very happy to take suggestions for oneshots here and on the corresponding blog In contrast to their parents, Kahmunrah loathes Ahkmenrah, carrying on about how he was clearly the "favorite son." Sacagawea finds out that Ahkmenrah clearly remembers the day he died. What if a hero and a villain fell in love with one another as their civilian identities? The elder being his brother Kahmunrah who was the heir to the throne. Canonicity up to interpretation. Her beautiful eyesblue. Where does all the trash go.? He stood in the hallway waiting and wondering as he heard the muffled voice of the narrator. Surprisingly this is actually confirmed in the novelisation of "Night At The Museum" when Cecil and Larry first enter Ahkmenrah's tomb, Cecil mentions that King Ahkmenrah, The novel version of "Secret of the Tomb" goes on to narrow it down to being. A sonhe had a sonIset named him after him. 95 Kudos: 392 Bookmarks: 26 Hits: 11985 Ahkmenrah had been tortured, his shoulder badly damaged. Whoever it was that was currently loose in their museum, he was dangerous. For those who witnessed said it to be a great battle. She would be forced into becoming the wife of Kahmunrah so he could secure the throne. Merenkahre is an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who is Shepseheret's husband, and Kahmunrah and Ahkmenrah's father. :) English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 3 - Since: 01-27-15 - Founder: NalGoldor . Ahkmenrah stopped the DVD as he gazed at the carving of his beloved wife and him. Secret of the Tomb AU. Ahkmenrah was favored by his parents, though this could not be said for Kahmunrah. She's been to Egypt many times and now works at the Natural history museum. All storys with Ahkmenrah as the main charakter. I am with you.Jedediah did the one thing he never thought he was capable of doing. oldman, L., Lennon, T. and Garant, R. (2007). However, due to his brash, violent, and irresponsible nature, their parents gifted Ahkmenrah the throne, thereby skipping Kahmunrah in the line of succession. Ahkmenrah was gifted his Tablet of Ahkmenrah by his parents, who loved him so much, that they wouldn't let the inevitability of death separate them. Wings of Chaos (Night at the Museum Book 1: Octavius x OC) 27 pages Completed June 22, 2021 John Seed Simp. Due to the fact that this would mean, if you are putting Rin with Sesshoumaru once he has rasied her. He made his way back to his exhibit. His sarcophagus rests in the middle of the exhibit, walls of hieroglyphics surrounding it. Those who had buried her had died and the location forever lost. Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Sacajawea (Night at the Museum) Larry Daley Nick Daley [During NATM III) Emma Daley had been working alongside her father as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History for a good few years and during that time, she had gotten close with the inhabitants. Larry looked up and saw the blank emotionless face of his friend. But what happens when her brother Larry gets a night guard job there and askes Kathy to. How far can his strength take him, though, when none of that matters anymore? His whole body trembled as he watched further. The men's bathroom on the second floor was where they headed instead of the staff bathroom next to the security office. Is this why she goes home so often? When the tablet starts to go awry and lose its power, they realize that this may be their last goodbye as they head to Britain to figure it out. Hello Everyone! Larry should have known nothing goes to plan for him. Start date: July 14th, 2020 End Dat. It does not seem to matter if the person who matches the name has been born yet; the name is there. Things do not go to plan, and you find yourself without the guidance of a master commanding your every move, left alone with a Prince to save and humanity to discover. To rule over Egypt for so long with such happiness. She was his Isis, for that was the translation of her name. When the tablet starts to go awry and lose its power, they realize that this may be their last goodbye as they head to Britain to figure it out. When Ahkmen reunites with his best friend y/n at the museum . I love it so much . *********Currently being rewriten, to have longer chapters and a better storyline!********!!!!!!! And had God-like strength. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. AS MUCH AS I LOVE IT. During his time on display, he learned British English, presumably from hearing the students and staff conversing. More specifically, he is thought to be the 4th Pharaoh of Egypt, based on a statement from his older brother, Kahmunrah, in Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. After listening to this voi. The sentence for desecration and murder is execution, but theres something different about your case. [During NATM III) Emma Daley had been working alongside her father as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History for a good few years and during that time, she had gotten close with the inhabitants. He was extremely mad for the mistreatment and abuse he got from his parents. He is a major character in Night at the Museum, a cameo character in Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, and the deuteragonist of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb . However, by this time, something amazing had happened, Ahkmenrah and Isetnofret had fallen in love. Many know his name but little know his full story. Each claw stood taller than the young man himself.. Or, in which Ahkmenrah falls head-over-heels for the art student who keeps visiting him, Title is taken from Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen, because Heaven knows we can't have a Rami fic that doesn't reference Queen in one way or another XD. Despite her harsh an Night At the Museum Fanfic (Ahkmenrah x Reader). 52 All love Ahkmenrah. Back in New York, the miniatures of H.O.M.E confront the sudden memories that the Staff of Merenkahre restored upon them. The good news, though, is that Lucius has taken it to France, amidst a masquerade gala and artifact display in the Louvre art museum. The food trashthe med kit trashwhere does it all go? He is not a human lord he is a demon lord. So there fore WE, who are Westerners look at courtship differently than those in the Eastern Asian countries. The worst part was that hed been having a very nice dream.No, that wasnt the worst part. A stream of consciousness from the perspective of Ahks jackal statues a few months after the first movie. Ahkmenrah x OC Aziza, the best friend of Ahkmenrah, was one of the few to have a chance to become his wife. These statues were also excavated from his tomb. Larry is then showed the 24 kart gold tablet behind Ahkmenrah that Cecil says is Ahkmenrahs "Most prized possession" and that it was "Worth a fortune". As the film's antagonist, he aims to steal Ahkmenrah's tablet for himself. This dragon was a deep, midnight black, boasting wings the size of buildings and green eyes that burned with fire. The gods had favored him indeed! Ahkmenrah was still shaking, but was trying to pull himself together. It can be assumed that his reign had not lasted long due to his sadistic nature. That very day Kahmunrah was said to have faced the ghost of his brother. Warnings: Angst, massive emotion, anger, and rage. , Even though he never knew his son he felt so proud of him. Unfortunately both Ahk and Larry are dumb and oblivious. The symptoms include freezing back to wax, normally peaceful characters becoming violent, Teddy losing his memory and babbling unintelligibly and Ahkmenrah becoming decayed. Ahkmenrah has a talk with Larry about problems with some exhibits and Larry can't really get his thoughts off how much the pharaoh amazes him. He hadnt felt such emotion in 4,000 years Tears leaked through the gaps in his fingers. Sesshoumaru is a Inu Youkai, Rin is of his pack. I wasnt able to get the next chapter completed before I went away for the day. All chapters will contain swearing. "I can't believe you heard me screaming Bohemian Rhapsody and thought, 'Ah yes, this is it, the woman of my dreams. The Furisode, aka the swinging sleeves. Except they're idiots and they haven't told each other. Has anyone else thought of this aspect. Ahkmenrah x reader What happens when a handsome young Egyptian prince falls for a beautiful young Roman princess. Ahkmenrah's tomb was excavated near the Pyramids of Giza inEgypt,during the Ahkmenrah Expedition of 1938. Because I believe in all of you who write these fanfictions. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. More . And just like every other night it didn't work. As a shabti servant of the Gods, you are bound to follow and assist them with any task. Nearly all babies are born with a name, some very premature babies are born with markings that later become a name. Ahkmenrah and the rest of the Museum residents start acting strangely due to the Tablet losing its magic. This is a rewrite of my old work of the same name. CHANCLA. Isethis beloved Iset. Ahkmenrah's tomb was excavated near the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, during the Ahkmenrah Expedition of 1938. Kahmunrah was captured, dethroned and killed in the very spot he had slaughtered Ahkmenrahs father. Larry, his son Nick, and a few of the favourites of the NYC gang travel to London, England and to the British Museum to find Ahkmenrah's parents, who know the secrets of the tablet and possibly what is wrong with it. Others say she ingested the poison so she could be reunited with her beloved husband. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. Octavius doesn't make it out of Pompeii; angry and grieving, Jedediah goes home alone. It's also revealed that his parents favored him more than his older brother, to which Kahmunrah told Larry Daley that their parents gave Ahkmenrah "the best of everything", including the throne, which Kahmunrah was supposed to inherit first. The good news, though, is that Lucius has taken it to France, amidst a masquerade gala and artifact display in the Louvre art museum. On the back wall behind the sarcophagus rests the tablet, which glows and activates during the beginning of each night. The next time Larry is at Ahkmenrah's tomb is when he and his son are locked in the tomb by the previous night guards as they steal artifacts. "No" A horrified whisper escapes his lips. He sobbed silently as he buried his face in his hands. Some Capolean and other ships from night at the museumShips: Capolean, Tablet Guardians, Jedtavius, Lancelot/Kahmunrah, Teddy/Sacagawea, and Amelia/George, Also Attila, Ivan, Dexter, and others are going to be in the story. When Ahkmenrah arrives at Cambride University in 1938, he is completely alone. Also in 1493 Kikiyo seals Inuyasha to the tree and then dies. To the young prince, Isetnofret was not just a woman, but his equal. Can I help ease your mind?. One of his companions sees young Ahkmenrah, and quickly develops a crush.Something bad happens to the prince, and years later she sees him again in a museum in New York of all places. One theory is those night guards before even Cecil Fredericks thought that letting a real person out and about, not a stature or other fake figure, was more unpredictable and dangerous. Why has no one taken this into account? Astray from home, the Diver finds themselves on a planet unlabelled in the map. His hands gripped the edge as they started shaking. . It is implied in the movie, but stated in the original script, that he was murdered by his brother, Kahmunrah. Ahkmenrah wasn't an actual pharaoh in Egyptian History. Lol. Now, against your will, he will keep you with him, and burn down the world for one last kiss good-bye. Some speculate she went the way of Cleopatra and had an Asp brought in and it bit her. For example: The proper way to use sibling titles is to just use the word for sibling likeOtouto NOTOtouto-Kun. The usage of Kun you can use when addressing a friends sibling not your own. Now this is just something I want someone to address in fanfiction that is not covered all that much. IMPORTANT!!!!!!! To rule over Egypt for so long with such happiness. Larry gestured for the Pharoah to follow him to his security office. Kagomes bathing habits. [Title from You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. He appeared in the end while dancing. Almost as long as Ramesses the Great. this is basically just a weird idea i had like a few weeks ago and then decided to run ahead with it. How does Sango react to Kagome everytime they are in spring up to their shoulders together? AKA: Pride month rolls around at the museum and the diorama hall gets a mlm pride flag. Answer with your first result! Tags will be added as stories are written. And I should know what its like having a period. The tomb was a large one, for it was planned that he and his beloved wife would join his parents once they themselves had passed on. If you tie that into how his crown looks. Another heist must ensue to get it back, but what Lucius isnt aware of is that he has led them all right into more of the artifacts they need to bring about his end. So many emotions ran through him. This is a bunch of different one shots written about characters from varying medias. Thanks~, FanFiction. Thankfully there's some student researchers who think having a walking, talking, teenage version of The Mummy on their hands is pretty cool. While combing through the archives he stumbled upon a DVD within a folder with Ahkmenrahs name on it. How will the others react? Ahk/OC. Some Capolean and other ships from night at the museumShips: Capolean, Tablet Guardians, Jedtavius, Lancelot/Kahmunrah, Teddy/Sacagawea, and Amelia/George, Also Attila, Ivan, Dexter, and others are going to be in the story. The sound echoed through the museum. He a teenager, physically around 17-19 who in reality is over 4,000+ years old [1][2] former Egyptian Pharaoh who, with his tablet, came to the Museum of Natural History in 1952. Tiberius and Maya join forces and begin a Cupid operation to bring Jedediah and Octavius together. Ahkmenrah had started shaking again at the mention of the smaller room. Written for NATM Week 2023, prompt: sunrise. THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (10), Theodore Roosevelt (Night at the Museum) (9), Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)/Reader (53), Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)/Original Female Character(s) (4), Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum) (2), Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) & Reader (2), Lucifer (Supernatural)/Original Female Character(s) (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, (You Make the Call) Of What Is Left Unsaid, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), Lucifer (Supernatural)/Original Female Character(s), Gally (Maze Runner)/Original Female Character(s), Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter/Reader, Marlon (Walking Dead: Done Running)/Reader, Pull the Stars Out of the Sky (And Gift Them to Me), Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)/Original Character(s), Reader is The Doctor's Companion (Doctor Who), A Discovery (Both about the world and ourselves). Kagome is 15 years old. When Ahkmenrah and his tablet are brought into the Natural History Museum the exhibits are gifted a new life,although some don't take too kindly to their new neighbours -50 years before the canon films, Jedediah and Octavius are locked in a brutal war between the west and rome, although the fighting cannot last forever , and love will start to bloom from the seeds of a war. Larry, his son Nick, and a few of the favourites of theNYC gang travel to London, England and to the British Museum to find Ahkmenrah's parents, who know the secrets of the tablet and possibly what is wrong with it. His hands gripped the cloth of his robes into tight fists as the documentary went on. It was another night and they had nothing in mind to do and decided to take a walk until they sitted back against a wall. He was Ahkmenrah, damn it! It's never explained why Ahkmenrah was sealed in his coffin since arriving at the museum. It was supposed to be just a simple night out on the town for the Natural History Museum residence. Guilthappinessangersaddnessrage! End Dat Hope you like it :), write me a comment how you liked it, or why you didn't like it. Something odd. The young Isetnofret was the only daughter of the Pharaohs most trusted advisor. Features multiple scenarios, and characters from NATM! Language: English Words: 243,157 Chapters: 97 /? It's been a few years since Ahkmenrah stayed in London with his parents, when a college essay puts the now-student and former night guard back in the path of the young Pharaoh. His lungs filled with air before expelling a heartbroken and painful roar. An essay analyzing Ahkmenrah in NATM 1 through the lens of him being an Arab character, and what my findings say about the American identity. Forum. A compilation of my favorite Rami Malek characters (because he's adorable), from movies to shows. Requests are Open!! Nobody within can decide whether its just an ally thing or if Larry knows. Surprisingly difficult, he found.Octavius, upon waking in the museum for the first time, had found the name he had once held was gone, the skin of his forearm now unnervingly bare.Jedidiah had no memory of a prior life and little more than a vague understanding that the souls of people could be joined. Lost to him forever! Upon claiming his rightful throne, Ahkmenrah II visited the tomb of his father and grandparents. Both of Japanese and Korean words. night at the museum Ahkmenrah I and his parents were discovered in 1952 and remained housed in the Natural History Museum in New York. *** Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. The thing he would have sooner died than chosen of his own accord.He ran. He stood from the chair and exited the room. Although not mentioned in the movies, it is a popular fan theory that Ahkmenrah is claustrophobic because of his time trapped in his sarcophagus, wrapped tightly in the bandages. It was supposed to be just a simple night out on the town for the Natural History Museum residence. Rose has been on Earth for more than 6,000 years. Deep, midnight black, boasting wings the size of buildings and green eyes that burned with.!, Rin is of his pack Ahkmenrah, was one of the greatest rulers of Egypt next to sadistic... Ahkmenrah clearly remembers the day, with his best friend y/n at the small TV in the movie why! But little know his full story akhmenrah placed his hands gripped the cloth of his father was heir! The gaps in his goodness and happiness that had been tortured, his shoulder badly damaged what happens when handsome... Probably for the day he died, L., Lennon, T. and Garant, (... 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Would have sooner died than chosen of his beloved mother didn & # x27 s... In spring up to their shoulders together you are bound to follow him to his father and.. And terms you are bound to follow him to his security office nearly day! In 1938, he aims to steal Ahkmenrah 's tomb was excavated near Pyramids! Was n't an actual pharaoh in Egyptian History is of his father and.... Horribly he was capable of doing fore WE, who are Westerners look courtship! For NATM Week 2023, prompt: sunrise and terms you are saying they are spring... Hits: 11985 Ahkmenrah had started shaking again at the end of Gods... You, my angst about how he was on display at Cambridge University and learned English there all that.. Her dress a pharaoh, he tried to find the tomb of his brother eyes of his friend her... Ahkmenrah should remain in the map upon him wanted to share it with his only living family born... 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