The view from M is spot on otherwise the right distance and very central from 17/18. Also its right by the door so you can make a quick exit." The venues unpredictability is a large part of its charm. MENANDER. While he had a great presence about him on stage, I didn't feel he fit the part, and as a trained tenor myself, I thought he should have been able to resonate his lower register better. None of them deserved to have such wonderful roles in such a wonderful musical. Besides which, Phantom is a classic "OF IT'S TIME". The overhang starts at row "J" so we were able to see the chandelier but any further back and some bits of the show would have been missed. ________________________, May 2011. John Owen-Jones and Celia Graham played the lead roles and were fantastic. Traditionally, these were concentrated in the stalls, as close to the stage as possible. That first row or two in the centre of the dress circle are hard to beat, although the middle of the stalls is pretty fine too. I was aware my Husband was uncomfortable all night and it was a pleasure when it was all over. Monique The last time we had the front row centre and the chandelier was terrifying! Pontefract. I would like to make a comment on the front of house staff at Her Majesty's Theatre: they were all so pleasant, courteous and friendly and also very on the ball about monitoring bad behaviour and use of phones. Whilst I thought the cast was good, no-one really blew me away. JackieMc Judy Harrison. At the end of the booking process enter the promo code; HMT2023 You must book online and pay BEFORE arriving at the Parking Station. Great vocalists and the staging was very smart. None put in a noticeable or commendable performance and didn't help to arouse any emotions within the audience for how we should feel towards any character. Beth The New Wimbledon Theatre has a capacity of 1609 seats, including 720 seats in the Stalls, 473 seats in the Dress Circle and 416 seats in the Upper Circle. 'Wishing you were somehow here again' in the grave is a richly powerful song, and the lead roles had voices which were shattering. I'm 5 foot 10 and my knees were several inches away from the start of the orchestra wall so that certainly wasn't an issue. Maximum 2 per person, first come, first served. Went to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' for a second time on 29th October 2008 in the evening. Additionally, I am a 6ft tall fellow, and felt very comfortable, since I was on the aisle. But then they have been practicing twice a day for nearly a couple of decades so you'd expect it to have come together by now! We did, and this vision in baggy shorts, spikey hair and sunglasses was The Phantom!!! The upper balcony is above these seats which restricts view and there is a pillar that support the balcony but seats are okay. My only gripe is actually about the theatre itself, something needs to be done about the seating, the seats are quite small. Far better than the film version. Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. One of the cities most beloved, Her Majestys has a gorgeous Art Deco glamour about it, even if the foyer functions a bit like a loading zone. There is no differentiation between sections of this theatre, so the seating bank is more akin to something youd see in a lecture hall. You do the entire show a disservice and are clearly not understanding the subtle symbolism of this 'sentimental melodrama'! The balcony seats tend to be pretty high up, but they might be the best choice for the budget-conscious. We were pretty much underneath the chandelier so got to experience it firstly heading towards us from the stage then the thrill of it falling towards us from the ceiling. He brought back a vulnerability to the role that hasn't been seen in a Phantom since Michael Crawford in my opinion. Regarding the view from the seat, well I agree thoroughly with the Monkey's point about 'Phantom' being over melodramatic, and I'm not really a Lloyd Webber fan but found it a great experience largely due to good performances and staging, - particularly from the seat's location. I somehow managed to miss seeing Phantom of the Opera until the end of May 2005. And that we could "have a look around" for any empty seats and change .Given the show was about to begin this wasn't't very useful to us. Pillar on the left that did block out some of the performance. Review tags are currently only available for English language reviews. Almost central, four rows from the front, right under the chandelier and with plenty of legroom for my 6ft 2ins frame. I have since listened to the music from the original cast (Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman), but in my opinion, Earl Carpenter (Phantom) and Rachel Barrell (Christine) are far more talented. Unfortunately, my camera had no battery and was charging at home so I'm definitely going back to get photos, which they very kindly pose for. I had only seen Phantom once and that was at least 20 years ago in London so I thought it was about time I gave it a go again. ____________________________________, Show Review: I didnt know whether I would like this show as I find Andrew Lloyd Webber shows a bit schmaltzy; but I have to say this was one of the best shows I have ever seen. You can see the full body of the actors and set from the centre over to stage left wings. For the first performance I sat in a premium-priced seat in the stalls and for the second right on the front row, (I decided on this because I had the misfortune lately to end up behind some pretty tall people when sitting further back, which can somewhat ruin the enjoyment even in top-priced seats!). Will Barratt as Raoul was very good, if not particularly memorable. I'm a big fan of the classic Universal Horror Movies so found myself quickly enjoying the general mood of the piece and the creepiness of the Phantom inhabiting all parts of the theatre. The Phantom's deformity can be clearly seen, and you see the performers' expressions. The seats on the rear side of the Stalls section may offer an obstructed view . Also with the notes at the end she was too late opening and closing her lips. We sat in the stalls row G seats 15 to 18 (GREEN on the Monkey's plan). Also if youve seen the show previously you know when to look up, and I saw the Phantom when he was in the gods - and also saw him when he was in the angel structure (I never noticed before that the sculpture's eyes and mouth are lit up when the Phantom is on it - which I never would have known if I hadn't sat there). Do not believe the hype, this show may be in its 21st year, but that is surely musical retirement age. My cousin and I were in London for a special few days break and chose this show to see out of all those currently on as we loved the music (I have a copy of the original cast recording LP!). Normally 67! I was right behind the conductor, but as is written elsewhere on this site, he isn't very tall and from where I was seated wasn't much of a problem. me and my partner came to see phantom for the first time the show itself was amazing the cast and crew were fantastic, we had one usher who was extremely rude and was really raising his voice to shout out orders, we had tickets in the balcony and are honestly the most uncomfortable theatre seats I have sat in I could not move my legs at all and had to move around a lot much to the dismay of the people in front of us. Phantom will always be a bit special to me as this was the first musical I ever saw in London - I can still remember being blown away by the experience and it made me catch the musical bug - I've seen Phantom at least 5 times from both stalls and dress circle but hadn't seen it in London for a few years (but had seen it in New York when I was on honeymoon). In my opinion, "Phantom" was the last major musical not to be simply a product of technology. He was by far an amazing singer and actor. Gee Colin. _______________________________________________. A restricted view means that you may be unable to see the entire stage from the specified seats. By continuing to use our site, you agree to us using cookies in accordance with our. McCanns Phantom is sensual, poignant and powerful, beautifully vulnerable, played and sung with aplomb. But he has some much power and dynamics. When I got to the box office, they offered 2 seats in row Q, to the side. 16th November 2007 But inside those venues, not all seats are created equal. Which brings me to talk about the Phantom, Scott Davies. I know this is musical theatre and that perhaps it requires more suspension of disbelief than other theatre, but in this case the only thing that could have suspended my disbelief was if you sentenced it to life. Despite no warnings during the booking we had purchased seats with a restricted view behind a pillar. This is the fourth time I've seen Phantom and it never disappoints. _____________________, I went to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' on the 10th April 2009 with a friend and we were sat in the stalls row F19 and 20. Seats throughout the Grand Circle are generally cheaper than other tiers. My biggest gripe is that the great singing that one would have every right to expect from an "opera-based" show is virtually nonexistent. Don't get me wrong there was nothing BUT good I could say about the performance, however I just wanted to point out the problem that I encountered with Stalls G2 and that it may be useful for you to know. Seat review: Grand Circle. I think it is criminal for the seats in the back row of the Royal Circle to be advertised and sold in the same price plan as seats with a far better viewing angle either elsewhere in the RC or in the stalls. Go and see it, if you're around and be sure you book good tickets to enhance the experience. Terrible sightlines and no legroom. I am already planning another visit to the show, I know it won't happen, but hope the phantom gets the girl next time! I had totally forgotten the background story (of course I knew the Phantom/Christine bit) and so it was like watching it all for the first time. Yes, it looks great and familiar tunes always make for an easier evening out, but why does all the emotion have to be so overblown? We did not miss any action, although the view of the left side of the stage is limited. Quite simply it was the cast. Legroom was just tolerable, but otherwise comfortable. John Owen-Jones made a decidedly un-menacing Phantom (great Valjean but ropey Phantom - remind you of anyone?) I just wanted to tell you that your site made an already great week in London positively awesome! There is no seat in front of F1 to obscure the view and I (in F2) was lucky in that the seat in front of me (E1) was empty. The only seats that are really bad in the Sumner are any in the first row, and the second arent much better. Maybe would have been better volume-wise further back. The stage sets were fantastic, as was the whole production. __________________________________, October 3rd 2016. Obviously the restricted ones have their downfalls but at least you know that in advance. Many thanks to the Phantom cast, and Theatremonkey, for making a happy day extra special. Plenty of leg room, being in the walkway. Stalls seats are on the ground level of the theatre. Yes he's contemporary and rocky but it is what it is. Earl Carpenter's singing and acting is superb throughout, as he brings true emotion to the role. PS: Paul Johnsons review referred to histrionics and caricature that werent evident on this occasion. Leg room was very good, even for long legs. The best seats are in the centre of row D and G as they offer a good central view. In placing before the reader this unabridged translation of Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, I feel it my duty to call attention to certain historical facts which must be borne in mind if the reader would form a fair judgment of what is written in this extraordinary work. The silver lining for me had to be the 80s music: not long into the first half the synthesizer kicked in, shortly followed by the drum-beat which I'm guessing originated from the same lame 80s Casio organ (they must have been taking good care of it for it to last so long..). After reading everyones reviews here, I was conscious of the need to sit back, but felt no need to lean forward. Christina. the use of understudies. It needs a reason to be kept going; new energy and fervour. They said Q1 in stalls for 25 but they didn't accept Visa Electron, so they said they would hold the ticket whilst I went to the cash machine. I thought I'd be cramped - but I'd sacrifice that for our experience- and it shouldn't affect my much more reasonably sized wife. We sat in the Royal Circle and found the seating cramped and the view inferior to a good Stalls seat. Great view of the stage and all the action but no enough leg room! We agree with your view that the show is 'lame', although I personally enjoyed it having embraced that fact. So, THANK YOU! I found myself humming to the melodies of Masquerade and Music of the Night as I was driving home! But somehow the disappointment of what should have been a wonderfully enjoyable and romantic experience being destroyed so completely by such simple but effective factors has me utterly indignant. P.S. ), four 'ladies' decided to do just that after the show had just started and decided they would sit on the row in front of us so everyone on that row had to stand up while they very unhurriedly took their (stolen) seats. His Phantom is both angry and vulnerable, and I have always agreed with the Monkey in thinking that Christine chooses the wrong man, and this time it feels like that even more so than with past Phantoms. Political Philosophy Pierre Joseph Proudhon: One cannot give and keep at the same time Chapter 2: Start the special effects were among the best I have ever seen in a theatre, the music and the acting - I loved every minute of it. MAY, 1810. ___________________________, I am demanding a refund for the two tickets I purchased through for the 14th February 2012 performance of Phantom. All the cast is friendly and gives out autographs and takes photos. Killian impressed me straight away. She even lip-synced the duet 'Phantom of the Opera' because suddenly her voice was completely different. _____________________________________________. Now, I always find Music of the Night the most boring song in the show - but this time I was completely gripped by it. Yet he does bring an element of Opera to the role too. Typically, stalls seats can be regarded as some of the best seats in the auditorium, due to their close proximity to the stage. Nic Greenshields was in the role, however! Terrific view of the stage and actors, it was great to be close enough to see the expressions on their faces. If you like the theatre, a must see, regardless of the opinions and stereotypes! These are probably the most uncomfortable stalls we have ever been in but the view is excellent and the small theatre itself (looking from the stalls) is lovely, very sweet and intimate but desperately need new updated seats!! You may also get moved to a better seat if the auditorium isn't full! After one emotional rollercoaster of a show ('Ghost') I went on to my next, Phantom. It only emphasis's the passion! However, you might be better off with front balcony seats than with rear mezzanine, especially at older theaters such as the Lyceum, the Belasco, and the Shubert. N6 Myself and three of my friends booked tickets to see Phantom for the 5th of January 2010, and should have taken the adverse weather as the first sign that we should have stayed at home. anonymous Nov 8, 2022. Shes currentlyhome to the biggest show Melbourne has seen in decades and judging bypast performances of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, that buzz electrifies every member of the audience no matter where theyre seated. Sat in STALLS Row N seats 17 and 18. His voice cracked twice more during the second half, and I felt a little bit sorry for him because I can imagine that is one of the worst things that could happen to anyone on stage. The cast were fantastic and the show certainly lived up to our expectations, so much so that we may go back again this Christmas for my birthday! Entire stage from the centre of row D and G as they a! Sumner are any in the stalls section may offer an obstructed view in row Q, to the role has! Miss any action, although the view of the need to sit back, but felt no need to back. In such a wonderful musical a happy day extra special her lips offered 2 seats in row Q to... Friendly and gives out autographs and takes photos in advance as I driving... 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