responsible, respuesta (la) (rres PWES ta) n. answer, response, reply, restaurante (el ) (res tow RAN te) n. restaurant, resto (el ) (RRES to) n. rest, remainder, retrato (el ) (rre TRA to) n. picture (portrait), reunin (la) (rre u NYON) n. reunion; meeting, revelar (rre be LAR) v. to reveal; to develop (a photograph), revuelto, a (rre BWEL to) adj. In the list of words will be many English words so pick one that you don't know. to beguile, seduce or convince someone making use of lies. Easily search and filter all 4000 words. When two eles appear together, they can be pronounced like the y in English yellow, the j in English judge, or the sh in English show, depending on what country you're in. Look for Spanish words starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Privacy | Made by | Contact. no se cual es el mio. (noun): A restaurant is called restaurante in Spanish. Search and filter them as you like. They're all adjectives, or words that add information to the nouns they accompany to express properties, qualities. Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? The best Spanish words for kids are those that stick easily, and that get your child excited about learning. There are lots of verbs in Spanish which start with common prefixes like -im, -in, -ir. Thus, when a team gets eliminated from the competition, it is said that the team has waken up from the liberator dream, {m} [organic compound, inorganic compound], high priestess, feminine form of sumo sacerdote, superman (person of extraordinary or seemingly superhuman powers), In psychoanalysis, Freud's concept of superego, substitute, surrogate (person that acts as a substitute), suppository, (small medicinal plug that is inserted into the rectum), Any of several catfishlike fishes of the genus Pseudoplatystoma, female given name, equivalent to English Susan, to flunk, to fail to pass an exam or class, suspension, interruption, discontinuation, cessation. Vi un ratn en mi dormitorio. Mi reloj no funciona por eso llegu tarde. Wordbrain Themes, Words With Friends, Scrabble, 4Pics1Word, Word Cookies cheats, answers, and more. Check out our amazing list with more than 6000 positive words and phrases: Positive Words That Start With Letters From A to Z Spread the Love Categories Lists of Positive Words in Every Language , Meaningful Words , Positive Vocabulary , Positive Words Tags Positive Words , Positive Words That Start With , That start with , That Starts With . (verb): Reform is translated to reformar in Spanish. (verb): To repair something is translated to reparar in Spanish. (verb): Realizado is the Spanish word for realized.. Spanish Words That Start With R (in Alphabetical Order) Racin Meaning: (Noun) Racin or ration in English, is something that is given to each person and is equally divided to ensure that everyone gets the same amount. When two erres appear together, they are trilled (the sound you make when you roll your tongue). ), to be smitten, obsessively madly in love, with love goggles, smitten, obsessed, hyperfocused; of or relating to love goggles, tunnel vision, love is blind, epicine; an epicene word (especially a noun), epiphany (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being), A ground-level seat used by Aztec rulers in the manner of a throne, A type of reed or wicker chair with a leather-sheathed seat and back, Suffix indicating the third-person singular future indicative of -er verbs, Turns a noun into a store that sells such an item; -ery, Suffix indicating the second-person plural future indicative of -er verbs, An isolated chapel, shrine or other sanctuary, often in the care of a hermit or anchorite, forms places where a noun general resides, Suffix indicating the plural of nouns and adjectives ending in certain consonants (most often -l, -r, -n, -d, -z, -j, -s, -x, -ch, with some exceptions), Suffix indicating the second-person singular present indicative of -er and -ir verbs, Suffix indicating the second-person singular present subjunctive of -ar verbs, Feminine form of -esco which is a variant of -sco, pickle (food preserved by pickling in vinegar), dangerous, nearly inconvenient or immoral, rugged, jagged, rough, hard, in bad condition, scalene (of a triangle, having no sides of equal length), goose bumps, shiver or chills especially those caused by fear, The larvae of certain ants eaten as a delicacy, A pourer of cider, done in the traditional way (explained at escanciar), A type of cider-pouring device, which allows the movement of air into the glass by pouring from a height, or that imitates pouring from a height, to pour cider by raising the bottle over one's head and into the glass held tilted by one's waist. Deja que entre el rayo de sol. No se lo pases a otra persona. Would you jump at the chance to learn Spanish for a minimal investment? . Click on a letter above and you'll see words that start with that letter. Respiramos aire menos puro por la deforestacin. Spanish verbs that start with I. scrambled eggs with mixed vegetables. (expressing encouragement), so, and so, now (expressing resolution, preceding a willful resolution), A person of pitiable, sorrowful or lacerated appearance, Form of -ito. The Spanish alphabet, or abecedarioin Spanish, is composed of 27 letters. A village in Aragon, Spain, in the Pyrenees, traditionally the site of the death of Roland in the Chanson de Roland. Popular Spanish Words with No English Equivalents, Spanish Exclamatory Words and Expressions. A girlfriends child sired by a previous boyfriend, An illegitimate stepson. Ella est en regreso. Pens que estaramos atrapados dentro del ascensor durante das. Cul es tu recomendacin para este problema? Rectificaremos esta situacin y nos aseguraremos de que esto no vuelva a suceder. In English WWTP wastewater treatment plant, Form of -dor attached to -er verb stems. (noun): A rent is called renta in Spanish. Estoy tan feliz de que este da estamos reunidos por fin.. 100 Spanish Words That Start And End With O. Honorable mention to the preterite indicative forms of ser/ir: fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. Bonus: No creo que esta solucin sea relevante para el problema. (noun): Repeticin is the Spanish translation for repetition.. Roberto compr tres corbatas. choke [control on a carburetor], throttle, [of a relationship] close, intimate, strong, spur, ridge, buttress (protruding part of mountains), thundering, clamoring, roaring, deafening (very loud), case for a single CD (such as a jewel case), Added to nouns and adjectives that often adds a diminutive sense to the base, To last for ever, to last an age, to drag on, female given name, cognate to English Euphemia, female given name, cognate to English Eugenia, Euros (UEFA European Football Championship), Former; referring to a condition that has ended, bulldozer, excavator, digger (construction equipment), eccentric (of a person behaving differently from the norm), excommunication (act of excommunicating or ejecting;), to flash; to expose oneself (be nude in public), stock; the current supply of something available, delicacy (something appealing, usually a pleasing food), foreignism (fondness for foreign cultures), not belonging to, not possessed by, not property of, suffix forming many Spanish surnames: Cortez, Enrquez, Godnez, Gmez, Gutirrez, Hernndez, Ibez, Lpez, Ordez, Prez, Ramrez, Rodrguez, Snchez, Suffix forming nouns of feminine gender from nouns and adjectives, denoting "state of" (similar to English -hood, -ness, -ty), Attached to adjectives to form abstract nouns of that quality, Added to animal nouns to form other nouns, often diminutive and indicating young, Suffix indicating the second-person plural present indicative of -er and -ir verbs, Suffix indicating the second-person plural present subjunctive of -ar verbs, him, third person disjunctive pronoun. No puedes castigarlo por eso. The equis is usually pronounced like the ks in English socks. Tu resistencia al virus es impecable. Word Forms. Often abbreviated RAE, Completion, process of making something real, to carry out; to make real, to realize; to produce, To mop up (food or sauce, e.g. Then O*. The first three years of life are the most intensive for acquiring speech and . Spanish Verbs 123 is a new course from Linguasorb covering all aspects of verbs, featuring over 40 lessons with practice activities. If your child adores horses, then learning this vocabulary word will be easy. (noun): Recurso is the Spanish term for resource. to string or thread (put items on a string), Used to create adjectives and nouns that denote ethnonyms, like estadounidense, from Estados Unidos, to initiate (especially a conversation, relationship), An illegitimate stepdaughter. valer la pena. Ayer hubo una rebelin. (noun): A rank is called rango in Spanish. La radio no enciende. Hard for us to pick out adjectives that describe you since we don't know you. Por favor permanezcan en sus respectivos asientos. Si estuvieras en una isla remota, qu haras primero? (noun): A race is called raza in Spanish. For example. (noun): Respuesta is the Spanish word for response.. blue. ), to collect; to gather; to pick up something previously left behind, snippet, scrap (cut from a newspaper or magazine), reciprocal (done by each of two people towards the other), honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just, fair, to call on (to request or ask something of a person), resort, refuge (something or someone turned to for safety), to save from, to free from, to deliver from, fence, middleman (for transactions of stolen goods), tautology (expression that features tautology), referring (as in referente a = referring to, regarding), a non-diet, 600 milliliters soft drink or soda beverage, Monterreyan, born in Monterrey, short form of regiomontano, registration (the process of registering for something), A dial, pressure gauge, thermostat, weight, speedometer, or similar control panel, One that registers, especially for a court, ministry, king, or documents, Someone that is well versed in deciphering the various merchandise of a business, or by extension an action that leads to this state of mind, belch (expel gas loudly or rudely from the stomach through the mouth), backwater, still water (area of stagnant water), amendment (alteration or change for the better), to improve, patch, mend, repair, patch up, supply of saddle horses (from Southwestern U.S.), Re-mounted, gone back to the hills or mountains (said of someone who has returned to the wild and left civilization. (adverb): The adverb seldom can be translated to rara vez in Spanish. 2. botija: Uruguay. No tienes que preocuparte por m. Talentoso Meaning: A girlfriends child sired by a previous boyfriend, to imply (especially risks, dificulties, responsibilities), Literally, "between teeth"; under one's breath; in a murmur; quietly; especially, so as to avoid being overheard, as when saying something disrespectful, between a rock and a hard place, between Scylla and Charybdis, caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, be on the horns of a dilemma, up shit creek, crotch (area of a persons body where the legs fork), on a weekday (the days Monday through Friday), live (in person, in front of an audience), Literally "in a high voice"; out loud; aloud; using the voice; not silently, quietly (of speaking); literally, in a low voice, back (the reverse side of a leaf, fabric etc. Wed be happy to add it. Positive Words That Start With R. Positive Words That Start With S. Positive Words That Start With T. . Necesito reservar esta fecha para la fiesta. Here are two examples of words with the typical pronunciation of the Spanish letter U: Lugar (place) 00:00 00:00 Mucho (a lot) 00:00 00:00 The first 5 verbs you should learn in Spanish, yes, affirmation. 3. cabra: Costa Rica. La vida no es una raza. (noun): Razn is the Spanish word for reason.. In truth, positive words that start with "r" prove that the words we use carry a lot of meaning. . revuelto de sesos. (noun): Regin is Spanish for region, which is a part of a country composed of cities. Cul es tu rango en el juego? The adjective cido refers . Tenemos que respetar sus leyes. Then O*. (verb): To rectify is translated to rectifar in Spanish. Usually followed with an infinitive, e.g. This page contains every Spanish word that begins with the letter "R" in SpanishDict, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary. The new kid is shy but very nice . Es raro ver a un joven en casa tan temprano. crudo - cuchillo. Go to Netflix and start watching a show. ), requinto; a smaller, higher-pitched version of another instrument, hangover (illness caused by a previous bout of heavy drinking), reservation in the sense of an arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance, spring (device made of flexible material), to shine brightly, glitter, glow, be resplendant, cleft, crack, slit, crevice (thin long opening), the opening between the door and doorjamb, remnant (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group), feedback (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself), reunification (act of process of reunifying), to gather, to bring together, assemble, collect, get together, For baking products, to make bland and rubbery from humidity or heat, to turn over, to poke about, to rummage around in, abbreviation of Repblica Federal de Alemania (Federal Republic of Germany), female given name, the feminine form of Ricardo ( Richard ), ridicule, ridiculousness, laughableness (ridiculous situation), chance; risk; the possibility of harm or an unfavorable outcome from random chance, food similar to a tortilla often made out of corn, Flashy; showy; bombastic; ostentatious or overblown, cultural wealth (the collection of arts, architecture, etc. (adjective): Reasonable can be translated to the Spanish word razonable.. A type of sweater or jumper that fastens up the front with buttons, usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool, to fall to (as in, blame or responsibility), to drum (review to establish memorization), The concept of becoming capable again, retraining, rehabilitation, reeducation, recapitulation; summary, summarisation/summarization, collection (activity of collecting funds), revenue (income generated for some treasury by taxation and other means), chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak, to look for (a criminal), to summon (a witness), to lure (with a decoy or whistle while hunting), to protest, to complain, to object, to clamor, to reclaim, a particular kind of sentence of imprisonment in the Philippines, Argentina, and several other countries, draft, conscription (system of forcing people to serve in the military), twist, turn, bend, elbow (notable curve of a street river etc. Cog un resfriado la semana pasada. Puedes recitar este pasaje frente a la clase? (adjective): Republicano is the Spanish translation of republican., (noun): Reputation is the Spanish word for reputacin.. (noun): Refuge is the Spanish word for refugio.. We have included most of the ingredients you will see on menus, including seafood and fish, meat, fruit and vegetables, dairy, nuts, and more. Tuve una realizacin hoy. (noun): Resistencia is the Spanish translation for resistance.. Rhymes. (adjective): A representative is called representante in Spanish. (noun): Retiro is the Spanish term for retirement.. So those words do start with an "rr" sound, although it is spelled "r". Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Dnde est el resto del dinero? Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. Five printable Spanish picture dictionaries; each has 27 pages in PDF format. (adjective): Rational can be translated to racional in Spanish. With a 4 day mini course, direct to your inbox. When using Spanish adjectives to describe personality, you can use the verb ser and the words that you need to describe that person. and people use them all the time when spelling out words. However, there is more to the R pronunciation than just trilling. Some good adjectives starting with R in Spanish are: raro/rara (weird), responsable (responsible), relajado (relaxing), and . n (m) chicken nuggets. In fact, every r is rolled in Spanish, but the double one is the real winner. El restaurante est a una milla de distancia. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Sabes que odio eso, verdad? Use the search box underneath to easily search through all Spanish words starting with R. This is our list of over 2000 Spanish words that start with R. Did we miss one? (noun): Receta is the Spanish translation for recipe.. (adjective): A cold (sick) is translated to resfriado in Spanish. 2. WORDS THAT START WITH "R" Use this Word Finder to find words that start with R for Wordle, Scrabble, Words with Friends, and other word games. Forms (usually agent) nouns and adjectives, Form of -dura used with -er verbs to form nouns, Estados Unidos (USA, United States of America), A listing of such occurrences for each date of the year, A list of notable occurrences that happened historically on the current date, A food pellet regurgitated by owls and vultures, hey! To do something on a regular basis. I hope you find them useful and if you do, please share this article with your friends on Facebook. Hard R Literally "to remove from the (door) jamb", to nod (the head, to give a positive response), to shake (the head, to give a negative response), Abbreviation of Sociedad Annima de Capital Variable, Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadera (Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock Raising), A room or building (often a the slaughterhouse itself) where meat is cured by drying and salting, to appear, to look (on a painting, photo, movie, play, TV, platform, etc), saliste de Guatemala y te metiste en Guatapeor, You went from bad to worse; out of the frying pan into the fire, A Cordoban soup consisting of tomato and bread, Of, from, or pertaining to the Solomon Islands, a type of sauce flavored with chili and tomatoes that is popular in Latin America, A small bowl for serving salsa or other sauces, to skip (disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage)), Of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Saltillo, said to somebody who has sneezed, bless you, the usual toast when drinking alcohol, cheers, superlative form of saludo; cheeser, rally, great, affectionate, or jovial greeting, male given name, given in honor of Christ as the Savior ( Salvador), A willow that yields wicker suitable for basketry, (Servicio de Atencion Mdica Urgente) Spanish emergency medical service, financial, temporal-savings scheme. riones al jerez. Dnde est el recibo de la compra? (verb): To recite something is translated to recitar in Spanish. depending on the letters with which they combine. No se puede servir este plato, est recocido. 5 letter Spanish words Es as como quieres que te vean los dems? Este pas es una repblica. Elena has a PhD in linguistics from University of La Laguna (Spain). (adjective): Real is the Spanish word for royal.. Tienes que quitarlo. To be scratchy, public market, especially El Rastro in Madrid, to rake (to use a rake to collect things together), abbreviation of Rodrguez (a Spanish surname), revenue, return, yield (turnover, total sales), reactionary political faction or movement, Royal Spanish Academy, based in Madrid, Spain, and the principal institute responsible for regulating the Spanish language. reasonable, realidad (la) (rre a lee DAD) n. reality, recepcin (la) (rre sep SYON) n. reception; cocktail party, recoger (rre co HER) v. to pick up, to retrieve, recomendacin (la) (rre co men da SYON) n. recommendation, recreo (el ) (rre CRE o) n. recess; recreation, rectngulo (el ) (rrec TAN gu lo) n. rectangle, reejo (el ) (rre FLE ho) n. reflection, refresco (el ) (rre FRES co) n. soft drink; refreshment, refrigerador (el ) (rre free he ra DOR) n. refrigerator, regalar (rre ga LAR) v. to give (as a gift), regalo (el ) (rre GA lo) n. gift, present, relmpago (el ) (rre LAM pa go) n. lightning, religioso, a (rre lee HYO so) adj. Tengo muchos recuerdos del viaje que hice el mes pasado. directly cost us money and so are disabled for ad block users. Meaning hurry up, or get a move on, a soil engineer or geotechnical engineer; an engineer that knows everything related to soils (physics, mechanical, specialist knowing about what kind of foundation is needed for a certain building on a certain soil), female given name, taken from Spanish esperanza, backbone (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord), spur (implement for purpose of prodding a horse), A plaited basket with two handles, usually made from esparto grass or palm leaves, foamy; frothy; filled with or composed of bubbles, frame (structural elements of a constructed object), outline (a general description, a summarizing statement), United States of America (country in North America), of the United States of America; American, citizen of the United States of America; American, to break out, erupt; said of a revolution, a fire, or similar, detain, staunch, or hold back the flow of water, prohibit the free movement of merchandise, suspend, or stop a project or business plan, shop or commercial outlet where controlled items, especially cigarettes, are sold, Auxiliary verb for the progressive aspect; precedes the, Denotes a copula, in a transient fashion. Estamos aqu para ver el rancho que queramos comprar. (adjective): Refined can be translated to refinado in Spanish. Quiero hornear el fin de semana. Ramn compr tres corbatas. (noun): Radio is Spanish and English for a device using radio frequency to carry out sound. 5. chamaca: Mexico, Guatelama, El Salvador, Cuba, Dominican Republic Peru, Honduras, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. Pronunciations. Necesito hacer algo. Here's how you say it. Ha habido un retraso, pero no te preocupes. Me alegro de que no lo haya hecho. No pareces religioso, por eso me sorprendi verte en la iglesia. To have a (transient) location in space. Espero que todo haya ido bien. scrambled, Spanish Words that Start with R | Spanish Alphabet, reproductor de mp3 (el ) (rre pro duc TOR), responsabilidad (la) (rres pon sa bee lee DAD). Enrique, Alrededor, Israel. Words that start with R can fill you up with a RUSH of adrenaline. (adverb): The adverb really is translated to realmente in Spanish. Este es un hermoso ramo de flores. Me gustara una taza grande de refrescos. suele, confirmed bachelor, old bachelor (older man uninterested in committed relationships), spinster, old maid (A woman who has never been married, especially one past the normal marrying age according to social traditions), to subordinate, to put under the control of, Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Sonora, superlative form of sonrisa; grin, cheeser, Of or pertaining to the province of Soria, Native or resident of Soria, a Spanish province, to avoid, come around (an obstacle or a danger), get round, ring (round piece worn around the finger), double (a person resembling or standing for another), A supporter, player or coach of Real Sporting de Gijn, apocopic form of suyo His, her, its, one's, their, suburb, outskirts, poor areas particularly, branch (of a company or organization, attributive), {mf} [offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang], South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas), parent-in-law; father-in-law (mother-in-law for the feminine form), Area where the foundations of a building or a complex are located, The dream of winning the Copa Libertadores football (soccer) competition. 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