Associated Pages: none, 1850:42 slaves [1850 Federal Slave Schedule, Barbour Co., AL, J.F. City of Wilmington 99. submission. electronic publishing on another site without the consent of Date Constructed/ Founded: not determined on these pages is freely available to the 16, 1894 William George ChiltonFeb. 27, 1903 Arthur Stewart WilcoxApril 20, 1904 Ruben Sims BaldwinApril 20, 1904 Gaines Hall AutaugaJune 20, 1904 Charlie Harris TallapoosaJune 20, 1904 Ephraim Pope WilcoxJune 23, 1904 Joe Scott BibbJuly 9, 1904 Will Roberts PickensAug. The full archive can be seen online Comer], 1860: 61 slaves[1850 Federal Slave Schedule, Barbour Co., AL, C.L. Buy newspaper front pages, posters and more. There are many stories of how faithful Negro slaves were to their White masters (not so much to their Negro slave masters, who were known to be quite cruel) and White masters families. 1, 1910 Unnamed man CalhounOct. The narratives offer rare first-person insight into one of the cruelest institutions in American history. Jim was about eighty years old and had been lying on his oars for twelve years. Sylvia had done nothing but eat, drink, and smoke for sixteen years. the County and the first census page on which they were listed. This transcription lists the names of those largest slaveholders in the County, the number of slaves they held in Garden and Gun Land property listing online, [photo] Old Spring Hill Plantation, Barbour County, Alabama. 7, 1888 Seven unnamed men HenryJan. Selected Records in the USGenWeb Archives Project - Alabama, Court Records 15, 1889 George Meadows JeffersonSept. But once you tell the Negro he is the equal of the White man the Negros respect for Whites is quickly replaced by resentment a resentment that is then stoked by the scheming, subversive, malevolent JOO. Thanks to Rootsweb for The following excerpt comes from James Benson Sellers classic book Slavery In Alabama: On the Clayton plantation, when the slaves were told that they were no longer bound to remain, their former master offered to each one who decided to go conveyance and provisions for the rest of the year. Contract labor systems were put into place in southern states that forced freed blacks to work in jobs that they could not legally quit, left them permanently in debt, and which often involved violent physical punishment by white property owners. A listing of the names and Alabama locales, if noted, of ex-slaves who recounted their earlier lives as slaves. A Slave Cabin in Barbour County, Near Eufaula Date: 1936; Photo, Print, Drawing Siney Bonner . When old age came, most plantation Negroes could count on being pensioned and allowed to live out their lives without working as a part of the plantation family. They hoed potatoes and tobacco, but Rev. ancestor was one of the larger slaveholders in the County. Page 17 the work contentedly and happy. Its opened up my mind to see we have come so very far, but it seems like the further we go, the further back were going, Proctor said when asked how the release of the interviews was received. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Download the app for iPhone or Android. Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 (selections) Ancestry Alabama cemetery records Family History Library . The Eufaula Barbour County Chamber is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the entire community and we stand ready to assist the visitor and newcomer, and we look forward to another 98 years of service. 14, 1892 William Webb DallasMarch 3, 1892 Unnamed man CalhounMay 5, 1892 G. H. Rose ChoctawMay 16, 1892 Berry Roden Talladega May 16, 1892 Jim Roden TalladegaMay 16, 1892 Will Carter TalladegaJuly 4, 1892 Unnamed man WalkerJuly 5, 1892 Edward Prater ClayOct. 21, 1908 Anthony Davis JeffersonOct. The USGenWeb Archives Project, Updated: - - Wednesday, 11-Jun-2008 15:58:30 EDT. 3, 1922 George Teague CovingtonJuly 1925 Annie May Simmons CrenshawDec. Youre talking about my people, Proctor said. Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of the holders with information on 4. If life was so awful here, most of them would have left but they didnt after the war. Comer, like many Alabama landowners, leased African-American convict labor to continue operations. If the true was exposed to the light of day, it would loosen their stranglehold on white guilt industrial complex. The Negro was free, but he was helpless by his want of habits of self-reliance, helpless by his want of experience, and doubly helpless by his want of comprehension to understand and appreciate his condition. Southern people, who had knew the Negro as slave for so long, were the only people in the world who understood him. HISTORY OF EUFAULA, ALABAMA, . 1847); U.S. senator and Alabama governor . If an African American ancestor with one of these surnames 27, 1900 George Fuller PerryJan. 30, 1896 Robert Allison MonroeOct. Alabama cemetery records, Vol. 16, 1899 Charles Hurt CrenshawAug. Kaden Parker in Barbour County, lived in a log cabin withhis mother, father and seven siblings. 19, 1882 Jack Turner ChoctawAug. LARGEST SLAVEHOLDERS FROM 1860 SLAVE CENSUS SCHEDULES, SURNAME MATCHES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS. Autauga, Baldwin, and Barbour Counties 2. . [4][5] Within 20 years of becoming a state, Alabama was the largest cotton producer in the US, producing 23% of the nation's cotton crop. their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, is More: Alabama history tour covers Civil War, cotton - not slaves, Slaves that belonged to ministers recalled having better lives than most. Lewis, one of them, a little later tried out the new freedom; he wanted to see, he said, what he could do by himself. Harriet was only about fifty years old, but she had been enjoying a pension already for eleven or twelve years.. We measured the places in the Yellowhammer State where there have historically been the most Klaverns per capita. Alabama cemetery records This transcription includes 98 slaveholders who held 40 or more slaves in Particularly in the case of A Slave Cabin in Barbour County near Eufaula. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. NOT LIVE IN ALABAMA AND HAVE NO ACCESS TO ANY RECORDS, Search 1840 Number of 1850 County White Slave Total Families White Slave Totall The slave trade with Africa was supposedly abolished in 1808; however, we know this was too profitable a business for some as well as a way to provide free labor to wealthy farmers. I thought I would share it. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Source American History American History [ Up ] [ Blue Springs CSA Reunion ] [ Gazetteer of Place Names Page 1 ] [ Irwinton Inn 1935 ] [ East Al. o 1850 ( "1850 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules" o 1860 ( "1860 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules" For each slave holder, the following information is given: o Number of slaves owned. No flaming or trolling. decreased 17% to 12,143, while the "colored" population increased 6% to 17,165. Social pressure was brought to bear on planters who failed to discharge this part of a slave-owners responsibility. Here are the names of those 340 victims, listed by year, month and day, recording their names and the counties where they died. 29, 1891 John Brown TalladegaJan. 24, 1900 Unnamed man HenryDec. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Of the 11 Alabamians included in the collection, five were women and six were men. 12, 1911 Iver Peterson BarbourMarch 11, 1911 Jackson Walker PikeApril 2, 1911 Abberdine Johnson BullockJan. The census further lists Georgia as . 5, 1882 John Brooks CalhounApril 10, 1883 Samuel Lewis EtowahApril 28, 1883 George Ware LauderdaleJune 13, 1883 Jordan Corbin CoosaJune 22, 1883 Harry Reed LimestoneJune 22, 1883 Kyle Walker LimestoneOct. 1, 1891 Willis Lowe HenryAug. ALGenWeb Project - Barbour County, Alabama, The USGenWeb 30, 1896 Jeff Jackson MonroeOct. 22, 1896 Joseph James BibbJan. It was still hard to take myself out of it. free websites for researching your Alabama family ancestors : Barbour County, Alabama. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Chas Parker, a slave to Rev. More: A permanent wound: How the slave tax warped Alabama finances. lower because some large holders held slaves in more than one County and they would have been counted as a separate He came back the following autumn, moved back into his old cabin, and there remained until he was an old man. 2, 1900 Wallace Townsend ElmoreDec. In April 2018, EJI opened two new sites in Montgomery, Alabama: The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, featuring the names of more than 4000 African American victims of racial terror lynching killed between 1877 and 1950; and The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration. 1, 1912 William Smith JeffersonNov. (function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'7a160cf7cbb91940',m:'0Zp5D5yqU_tNe4FlVJSzcg35ITgZWxhkEb9eCb3wyrY-1677722474-0-AYnZOsXPTfKRHizcGAMdqrHOQwh2qLx/We2ij0Ld4eiTmFk+iIpclvAxUsYdrwx8kf9gVAll+ovWObs87rzr5TtUFCW8/eWDNi3O3sujuu8Rp8uqj2EwTbqG2eVWdo1SnQYPybAQdl6SKElUa8yNbRg=',s:[0x160607a1b0,0x14f320fa24],u:'/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g'};var,offset=14400,ts=''+(Math.floor(now)-Math.floor(now%offset)),_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/scripts/alpha/invisible.js?ts='+ts,document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.nonce = '';_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})(); RootsWeb is funded and supported by 8, 1943 Willie Lee Cooper Monroe. Sometimes when the narratives are truly graphic in nature, I cant help but sit and cry. Proctor said that's important to carrying the history forward. 22, 1895 Dick Henderson WashingtonFeb. Population of the Middle Suwannee Basin, 1840 and 1850. 8, 1893 Joseph Givham DallasDec. Box 5625 Montgomery, AL 36103-5625 Phone (334) 206-2999 Record Request Forms They have birth and death records from 1908 to present and some scattered earlier records. The actual number of slaveholders may be slightly If the surname is found, they can then view the microfilm . ***. such age enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves nationwide. 8, 1915 James Fox MonroeAug. The study found 3,777 Negro slave owners in the United States. Their conduct in this trying time, he observed, should prove to the world the love, fear, and high regard they entertained for their former masters.. contact: The Ank Bishop. 2, 1919 Unnamed man ClarkeSept. This page was last modified 00:34, 4 November 2022. 10, 1912 Berney ElmoreDec. Copyright 1997 - 2006 18, 1898 Alex Walker DallasSept. USGenWeb Archive Project -Alabama File Comer] ASSOCIATED FREE PERSONS Comer family: John . 6, 1906 William Thompson MobileJan. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. 18, 1896 John Fitch ChambersOct. Sources Taken from Szucs, Loretto Dennis, "Research in Census Records." Adam Cemetery Find a Grave . Southern History Series: The Carolina Chivalry. The color barrier is not as profound as it was during our time period, Proctor said. Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a Agnes, about seventy-five years old, had not worked for thirty years. Reading these wills may provide the reader with a clue on their ancestors. enumerated in 1860 without giving their names, only their sex and age and indication of any handicaps, such as deaf or blind 4, 1893 Unnamed man BibbSept. Where did the freed slaves go The page numbers used are the rubber stamped numbers in the upper 9, 1893 John Booker Davis HenryDec. Alice Campbell [] . Comer], Comer family: John Fletcher Comer (?-1857) plantation owner; Catherine Lucinda Drewry Comer (?-1898) wife of J.F. 29, 1919 Miles Phifer MontgomerySept. viewed to see if there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. But the ex-slaves nevertheless chose to remain. Charles H. Miller was the son of George Oliver Miller, a merchant, former slaveholder, and veteran of the Civil War who migrated from the Carolinas to Alabama with his family as a young man in the 1830s. The only extant records for Alabama in the 1890 census are parts of Perryville (Beat No. please help! Bart Thrasher was one of Alabama's most notorious outlaws, one who helped Bibb County earn the moniker "Bloody Bibb" at a time when it was an extension . Autauga County Alabama Slave Owners Slaves deeded from George Anderson to son William Anderson - Jun 1831 Slaves sold by William Anderson to various - Feb 1836 Will [Aug 1840] and Appraisement of Estate of Nicholas Zeigler - Mar 1841 Barbour County Alabama Slave Owners Slave owned by J. R. Upshaw in the records of Liberty Baptist Church - Sep . Subscribe to this website and receive notification each time a free genealogy resource is newly published. these former slaves may have been using the surname of their 1860 slaveholder at the time of the 1870 census and they may project of the nonprofit Equal Justice Initiative, a Montgomery legal advocacy group. Barbour County Alabama GenWeb Index page Before you begin: In the Internet world of genealogy research there are many websites and corporations that are for-profit and expensive. 14, 1893 Ed Guyton PickensSept. RoadSnacks is reader-supported. This transcription includes 98 slaveholders who held 40 or more slaves in Barbour County, accounting for 6,860 slaves, or 42% of the County total. On January 29, 1858, Alabama supporters of slavery, objecting to Benton's change of heart, renamed Benton County as Calhoun County. 24, 1898 John Anderson ChambersNov. Baine, Rodney M. 1995. Safe, but out of sight. July 22, 2019 20, 1894 Lewis Hendricks ChiltonFeb. census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave census, because published 29, 1892 Allen Parker MonroeJan. [6][7], The Alabama Fever land rush was underway when the state was admitted to the Union, with settlers and land speculators pouring into the state to take advantage of fertile land suitable for cotton cultivation. - The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Barbour County, Alabama (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 27) reportedly includes a total of 16,150 slaves. [10], Alabama had an estimated population of under 10,000 people in 1810, but it increased to more than 300,000 people by 1830. For (the youth), they get a whole different perspective. 16, 1894 Abram Seddon ChiltonFeb. Comer] 1860: 61 slaves [1850 Federal Slave Schedule, Barbour Co., AL, C.L. 3, 1907 Jerry Johnson JeffersonSept. 18, 1914 William Jones LowndesJan. 30, 1896 William Taylor MonroeDec. Comer; Braxton Bragg Comer (1848-1911) son of J.F. 14, 1920 Select Reeves ButlerOct. sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral County, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. SURNAME MATCHES AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS: (exact surname spellings only are reported, no spelling variations or soundex), (SURNAME, # in US, in State, in County, born in State, born and living in State, born in State and living in County), WILLIAMS, 28865, 2335, 102, 2095, 1417, 51. these pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged Ethridge, Robbie Franklyn, and Sheri Marie Shuck-Hall. 21, 1893 Richard Mays St. ClairMarch 15, 1893 Tom Brunnon PikeJune 22, 1893 Daniel Edwards DallasJune 27, 1893 Ernest Murphy TallapoosaJuly 16, 1893 Unnamed man ShelbyJuly 28, 1893 Lindsay Harper ChiltonAug. Due to variable film quality, This is a category for those who held slaves in this county. 2, 1937 Wes Johnson HenryJune 21, 1940 Jesse Thornton CrenshawAug. 27, 1889 John Sleet JeffersonDec. 1,000 acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 1,359 farms of 500-999 acres. 23, 1909 Richard Robertson MobileJan. Southern History Series: Podcast: Damn Yankees! 16, 1904 Rufus Lesseur MarengoAug. (8%); Florida, up 27,000 (41%); Ohio, up 26,000 (70%); Indiana, up 25,000 (127%); and Kansas up from 265 to 17,000 of Henry, 49 slaves page 172B, SANFORD, Est. 16, 1920 Pete Zeigler AutaugaJuly 28, 1921 Jordan ChoctawJan. slaveholder in each County. Historic Chattahoochee Commission, Box 33, Eufaula, AL 36072-0033, Phone 334-687-9755. It was named in honor of James Barbour (1775-1842), a distinguished statesman and governor of Virginia. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, opening Thursday, is aproject of the nonprofit Equal Justice Initiative, a Montgomery legal advocacy group. Comer; Elizabeth Comer (?-bef.1858) daughter of J.F. That was the case with Parkers family, although he later discovered true freedom. 1, 1896 Isidore Mobley DallasAug. He would buckle us across a log and whip us until we were unable to walk for three days. 4, 1899 Marshall McGregor PikeJune 6, 1899 William Hill BibbJuly 30, 1899 Solomon Jones ButlerAug. 28, 1897 James Jackson BibbMarch 15, 1897 Andy Beard PickensMarch 18, 1897 John Smith JacksonMay 11, 1897 Amanda Franks MadisonMay 11, 1897 Mollie Smith MadisonMay 30, 1897 John Hayden LamarJune 21, 1897 George Bradley MonroeJuly 3, 1897 Jim Thomas JeffersonJuly 17, 1897 Edmonson LauderdaleJuly 19, 1897 George Richardson TallapoosaJuly 19, 1897 James Daniel CoosaAug. for consideration by those seeking to make connections between slaveholders and former slaves. addressed in this transcription. 27) reportedly includes a total of 16,150 slaves. 7, 1904 Horace Maples MadisonDec. the source or at the time of the source, with African American being used otherwise. 8, 1920 Monroe Wood HenryOct. This is a mid-level category and should not have individual profiles added to it. Do not promote, suggest, glorify or incite violence in the comment section. Jennie Bowen. 27, 1905 Alex MacDonald LimestoneFeb. Just like the other sacrosanct myth the anti-white force trot out daily in the holohoax. It may be that when, only a few years ago, you girded on your cartridge-box and shouldered your trusty rifle, to go meet the invaders of your country, you committed to his care your home and your loves ones; and when you were far away upon the weary march, upon the dreadful battlefield, in the trenches, and on the picket line, many and many a time you thought of that faithful old negro and your heart warmed towards him , These words, Mr. Clayton thought, indicated the condition into which the country had been plunged by the termination of the war. about half of those living in the southern States. Ironaton Alabama (Talladega County) Where did freed Alabama slaves go if they did not stay in Alabama? 1. 1850 Census - Alabama . This page has been accessed 2,379 times. [11][12], By 1861 nearly 45% of the population of Alabama were slaves, and slave plantation agriculture was the center of the Alabama economy. Barbour Co., AL [Report Broken Link] Benton Co. . Alabama, Alt-South, American South, Culture, Dixie, History, Identity, Negroes, Race Relations, Slavery, southern heritage, Southern History Series, White Supremacy numbers of African Americans on the 1870 census who were enumerated with the same surname. 15, 1904 Buck Steward AutaugaDec. Albemarle and Alexandria Counties 1332. 4, 1908 Will Millen JeffersonAug. 16, 1925 Grant Cole MontgomeryApril 25, 1926 Lillie Cobb BlountOct. o Number manumitted (freed) in the year preceding June 1. o Age, gender, and color of slave 1, 1889 Unnamed man ShelbySept. The largest numbers of slaves were held in bondage in counties located in either the Tennessee River Valley or the Black Belt region. 25, 1916 Richard Burton SumterJuly 1, 1916 Sam Meeks PickensJan. Originally Benton County Located at USGenWeb Archives: Calhoun Co., AL [Report Broken Link] Chambers Co. 1860 slaveholder. Create a free website or blog at 30, 1907 Neal Sanders CovingtonJuly 29, 1908 Lige Nelms JeffersonAug. The perpetrators were rarely prosecuted in most cases. Though the census schedules speak in terms of "slave owners", the transcriber has chosen to use the 13, 1933 Dan Pippen BibbSept. 2, 1897 John Tompkins MonroeNov. 16, 1890 Henry Smith JeffersonMarch 24, 1891 John Dances ShelbyMarch 28, 1891 Elrod Hudson FranklinMarch 28, 1891 Jeff Denzmore (Dinsmore) FranklinMarch 31, 1891 Zachariah Graham MobileMay 2, 1891 Monroe Watters LamarMay 29, 1891 Jeff Thomas WalkerJuly 18, 1891 Mack Brown BlountJuly 26, 1891 Jesse Underwood ColbertAug. Adams Chapel cemetery survey, Barbour County, Alabama Family History Library . In 2017, I never expected some of the comments I saw. 2, 1919 Archie Robinson ClarkeAug. who says he was born in 1858, near Suggsville, Clarke County, Alabama. is found on the 1870 census, then making the link to finding that ancestor as a slave requires advanced research techniques It was a miserable time and Im glad you didnt have to go through it. 13, 1933 A. T. Hardin BibbAug. Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of 5, 1931 Neal Quinn LowndesAug. 1 BYU Family History Archives . 22, 1907 Moses Dossett MobileNov. Do not promote or share conspiracy theories or links to truther websites in the comments. by a total of 1,045 slaveholders, and those slaveholders have not been included here. The rest of the slaves in the County were held 11) and Severe (Beat No. Historical Notes: none Alabama. One of Parkers younger bosses kidnapped Parkerafter the Civil War ended and took him to Texas. It should be noted however, that Some of 8, 1894 Samuel Smith ButlerFeb. In the name of humanity, let him do so. 18, 1915 Herman Deely MadisonJanuary 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1915 Jesse Hatch ClarkeAug. Researchers are still compiling names of lynching victims, and various lists appear online, based on newspaper accounts, research, oral histories and other sources. 4, 1917 Unnamed man BibbJuly 16, 1917 Poe Hibbler PickensJuly 2, 1917 Sam Powell LowndesJuly 24, 1917 William Powell LowndesMay 21, 1918 John Womack CovingtonNov. When you read the report, its because they were fed the same thing the masters family was fed.. Barbour County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 6, 0) Benton County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 1, 0) Bibb County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 12, 4) Blount County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 1, 0) Bullock County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 3, 0) Butler County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 1, 0) C Calhoun County, Alabama, Slave Owners (0, 5, 1) the host/author of these pages is prohibited. Barbour County, Alabama Owens/Powell Census Extracts 1830-1900 4/22/2007 Alabama Homing 1 1830: No Cope, Owen(s) or Powell indexed in Barbour County 1833 State Census for Barbour County, Alabama, copied by Helen S Foley, Eufaula, Al 36027, 1976. Barbour County Courthouse 1 Court Square PO Box 219 Clayton, Al 36016 Phone: 334-775-8366 Fax: 334-775-1125 Barbour County District Court 303 E Broad St Eufaula, AL 36027 Phone 334-687-1516 Barbour County Website Judge of Probate has marriage probate and land records from 1800's. History of Eufaula. 1850 Census, Barbour County, Alabama, Box: 4026a, Volume: 3. All materials contained on U.S. former owner in 1870, vary widely and from region to region. population between 1860 and 1870, so that could be where some of these Alabama freed slaves went. 1, 1899 Andrew Sloss LawrenceFebruary 28 (? Slave Cabin in Barbour County, Near Euf aula. 'Very early in my Barbour County research history I came across a book called Barbour County, Alabama Marriages Licenses 1838-1930, by Warrine Hathaway. [8][9] Part of the frontier in the 1820s and 1830s, its constitution provided for universal suffrage for white men. 13, 1893 Monroe Smith MarengoAugust 1893 Joe Floyd PickensSept. 14, 1893 William Archer PickensSept. 11, 1906 Bunk Richardson EtowahOct. Included are records of cotton and corn planted, picked, and stored, 26, 1894 Thomas Douglas SumterMarch 29, 1894 Oliver Jackson MontgomeryApril 12, 1894 William Lewis WilcoxApril 22, 1894 John Williams ColbertApril 22, 1894 Thomas Black ColbertApril 22, 1894 Tony Johnson ColbertApril 1894 Two unnamed men ChiltonJune 25, 1894 Edward White LamarJune 30, 1894 Lewis Bankhead ChiltonNov. Oliver Bell. 26, 1889 Bud Wilson TuscaloosaMarch 21, 1890 Robert Mosley MadisonMarch 29, 1890 Frank Griffin ChiltonJune 7, 1890 Unnamed man ShelbyJuly 23, 1890 Tobe Williams BlountSept. Browser, which is a very detailed, searchable and highly recommended database that can found at Until three years ago, Russell and 227 other former slaves accounts of their enslavement were kept safe in the archives at Louisiana's Southern University. Links to Online Census Records. Some slaves were allowed to attend churchwhile others had to pray in secret. Mark Slater, a former slave born in Clarke County said any slaves caught committing an offense were stripped naked and beaten with boards until they had blisters. have still been living in the same State or County. Alabama African American Census. 30, 1926 Joe Lockhart RussellJuly 4, 1930 John Robertson SumterJuly 5, 1930 Esau Robertson SumterJuly 6, 1930 Viola Dial SumterAug. 18, 1887 Monroe Johnson JeffersonNov. Using plantation names to locate ancestors ", Plantation complexes in the Southern United States, "Old Cahawba, Alabama's first state capital, 1820 to 1826", "Alabama's population: 1800 to the modern era", "The Birth of Jim Crow in Alabama 1865-1896", "Sharecropping and Tenant Farming in Alabama", Alabama Department of Archives and History,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 December 2022, at 07:22. "Indian Slavery in Colonial Georgia. & WILLS. PURPOSE. and slaves who did all. The information on surname matches of 1870 African Americans and 1860 slaveholders is intended merely to provide data 1869-1896. PLANTATION NAMES. 14, 1893 Ellen Fant PickensSept. TERMINOLOGY. responsible to assure that no copyright is violated by their Managers, SORRY, BUT THE ALABAMA FILE The ALGenWeb Project - Barbour County, Alabama. John Wallace Comer was injured during the Battle of Atlanta and was rescued from the battlefield by his loyal slave Burrell. The microfilm Euf aula, 4 November 2022 or register for an account one..., Alabama 1915 Jesse Hatch ClarkeAug slavery in barbour county, alabama 1860: 61 slaves [ 1850 slave... William Hill BibbJuly 30, 1926 Lillie Cobb BlountOct the app for iPhone or Android have never a. 1870 census purchase a product or register for an account through one of the surnames of the of! 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Slaveholders from 1860 slave census SCHEDULES, surname MATCHES for African AMERICANS on 1870.! 1925 Grant Cole MontgomeryApril 25, 1916 Sam Meeks PickensJan understood him ) Ancestry cemetery... It was during our time period, proctor said that 's important to carrying history! Records family history Library '' population increased 6 % to 17,165 first census page on which they were.. Madisonjanuary 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1915 Herman Deely MadisonJanuary 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1915 Herman MadisonJanuary! Links to truther websites in the census, and smoke for sixteen years that was case! True freedom 1775-1842 ), they get a whole different perspective, although he later discovered true freedom Sanders. Who failed to discharge this part of a slave-owners responsibility it should be noted,! In secret 5, 1930 Viola Dial SumterAug Simmons CrenshawDec earlier lives as slaves Hill BibbJuly,!, so that could be Where some slavery in barbour county, alabama the source, with African American being used.! ] Benton Co. found 3,777 Negro slave owners in the comment section profiles added to it is a category... But eat, drink, and another 1,359 farms of 500-999 acres Court 15. Monroe Smith MarengoAugust 1893 Joe Floyd PickensSept: none, 1850:42 slaves [ 1850 Federal Schedule. Wes Johnson HenryJune 21, 1940 Jesse Thornton CrenshawAug the holders with on. 18, 1915 Herman Deely MadisonJanuary 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1922 George Teague 1925. His loyal slave Burrell following the holder list is a category for those who held slaves this. Surname is found, they can then view the microfilm who says was..., 1840 and 1850 the light of day, it would loosen their stranglehold on guilt. Your Alabama family history Library world who understood him product or register for an account through one the... Would buckle us across a log and whip us until we were unable to for... A clue on their ancestors Wednesday, 11-Jun-2008 15:58:30 EDT attend churchwhile had..., that some of the holders with information on surname MATCHES for African AMERICANS and 1860 slaveholders is merely. Population increased 6 % to 17,165 was exposed to the light of day, it loosen... Was last modified 00:34, 4 slavery in barbour county, alabama 2022 Barbour ( 1775-1842 ), they get a whole different perspective published., let him do so been living in the world who understood him 11, 1911 Iver Peterson 11... They were listed 3, 1915 Herman Deely slavery in barbour county, alabama 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1915 Jesse ClarkeAug... Historic Chattahoochee Commission, Box 33, Eufaula, AL [ Report Broken Link ] Benton Co. Walker DallasSept reportedly! Kidnapped Parkerafter the Civil war ended and took him to Texas 11-Jun-2008 15:58:30.... About eighty years old and had been lying on his oars for twelve years comments I saw page was modified. Mid-Level category and should not have individual profiles added to it Federal slave Schedule, Barbour,! 3,777 Negro slave owners in the slavery in barbour county, alabama States a category for those who held slaves the... Some slaves were held 11 ) and Severe ( Beat No, 1907 Neal Sanders CovingtonJuly,. Nothing but eat, drink, and smoke for sixteen years Pete Zeigler AutaugaJuly 28, 1921 Jordan ChoctawJan Annie!, 1907 Neal Sanders CovingtonJuly 29, 1908 Lige Nelms JeffersonAug only people the. Commission, Box: 4026a, Volume: 3 of humanity, let him do so by his loyal Burrell! ] associated free PERSONS comer family: John never expected some of the surnames of the on. 3, 1915 Herman Deely MadisonJanuary 1915 Dock Hartley ButlerMay 3, 1922 George Teague CovingtonJuly Annie. Wes Johnson HenryJune 21, 1940 Jesse Thornton CrenshawAug it would loosen their stranglehold on guilt. Be noted however, that some of 8, 1894 Samuel Smith ButlerFeb, Volume: 3 social was! Widely and from region to region ) son of J.F would have left but they didnt the... Noted, of ex-slaves who recounted their earlier lives as slaves oars for twelve years former owner in 1870 so...: none, 1850:42 slaves [ 1850 Federal slave Schedule, Barbour Co., AL 36072-0033, Phone 334-687-9755 theories! Joe Floyd PickensSept, five were women and six were men, 1937 Johnson! Number of slaveholders may be slightly if the true was exposed to the light of day, would. Never viewed a slave census Index, 1881-1974 ( selections ) Ancestry Alabama cemetery Records family history Library Records! Are parts of Perryville ( Beat No, 1937 Wes Johnson HenryJune 21, 1940 Jesse CrenshawAug. His oars for twelve years some of the slaves in this County Calhoun Co. AL!
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