Migration and rejection dont mean the piercing is infected, so they arent overall health risks, but they come with more aesthetic problems when theyre not addressed. Lean on the side of cautious - it's always better to get something checked out and have nothing wrong, than to try to tough it out and make a problem worse. Now comes the long and hard part - caring for your new piercing. All rights reserved. To make a salt soak, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in half a cup of boiled water. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? (sit-ups, used under CC 2.0). However, you. In addition to checking the laws in your state, research the regulations at the specific place where you plan on getting pierced to see if they have any special stipulations. Put a few drops of lavender oil on a cotton bud and dab on your piercing hole. You should ideally not have a soaking bath until the piercing is through the initial healing stages. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar. Most reputable piercers will not take this risk. Its sensitive and gets infected without regular cleaning. If youre over 18, make sure you bring an official form of photo ID like a drivers license or passport. Irrespective of which route you choose, it is recommended that you clean your piercing between two and three times per day until it has fully recovered completely. In that case, you need to know a few of the essential things before beginning your aftercare routine. A. When am I allowed to stop having to clean my belly piercing? Youll go home with tips on how to keep your new piercing clean and prevent infection. Lets find out: When the navel area is healing, experts recommend cleaning it two times a day. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ask below and we'll reply! Infections are a risk even in piercings that are essentially completely healed, so dont lose all respect for hygiene after months of vigilance. Twisting the ring also means that you are touching the piercing more than necessary, which increases the risk of bacteria from your hands being transferred to the navel and causing infection. Its better to have a thicker piece of jewelry because it will make the piercing sturdier and more resistant to tearing and migration. Clean with antiseptic cleaner and apply an antibacterial cream. If youre happy with the way things go, its considered good form to give your piercer a 10-20% tip on top of the regular price. Signs of migration and rejection include: If you notice this happening to your piercing, you will have to go to your piercer to get the jewelry removed, let everything heal, and eventually try piercing it again. You can also soak the navel area with saline water and wait for 10 minutes before washing with fresh water. You may clean the piercing sporadically after this point if you continue to see evidence that it isn't fully healed. ", Mayo Clinic: Piercings: How to Prevent Complications.. Your piercer will mark the spot to be pierced. It refers to piercing through the skin around your belly button to wear an ornament. Gently rotate the ring or move the barbell up and down to make sure the lavender oil reaches inside the piercing. You should still minimize the activities listed at the beginning of this section until you reach at least the six month mark. Aloe vera gel can help soothe an irritated belly button and may even help prevent scarring. For example, you should completely avoid rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Navel piercing has come a long way from its roots as the ultimate taboo. Most people rate navel piercings as a 4 or 5/10 on the pain scale. Swab it with a saline solution to keep it clear and avoid infectious disease. A. Infections are very common with belly button piercings because theyre in such a vulnerable area. Allow warm water to run over your piercing when you shower (but dont scrub your navel piercing with soap; letting sudsy water run over the piercing is fine). You may need to return to the piercer to get the jewelry taken out if the infection has become too severe. Even if you believe that your belly button is the ideal candidate for a snazzy new piece of jewelry, you should know that, Jewelry rejection or migration (migration is when the piercing moves internally to a slightly different spot, and rejection is when your body starts to push the jewelry out and you see more and more of the barbell), Permanent scarring (this can happen if you dont bother to remove the jewelry after your body has decided to reject it). Some standard cleaning and antibacterial solutions wont work for navel piercing. Youll also be at more risk of infection. ", normal; whereas others are infected. While ear piercings typically heal in 6 to 8 weeks. Always use a mild soap with no scent because a strong antibacterial soap can be too harsh on the sensitive tissue around your piercing. Regular cleaning of the wound is necessary for preventing infection and quickening recovery. Wait a minute or two to allow the crust to turn soft. Theyre comparable to ear lobe piercings in terms of pain. I thought when it leaked a whitish pus and crustiness it was, "It was a good article. Wash the piercing with mild soap When you want to adjust your jewelry or touch the area for another reason, be sure to wash your hands before doing so. Try to live a healthy, responsible lifestyle at least for the 24 hour period before your piercing. Belly button piercings may appear totally cool and effortless from an outside perspective, but they actually require serious commitment if you want them to look good in the long run. Avoid activities that involve extensive stretching for two weeks, such as climbing and yoga. Place a towel beneath you if you're afraid of spills. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. While its normal to experience a little bleeding and soreness for a few days, belly button piercings could get infected. This article received 15 testimonials and 94% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Comprehensive Guide about Rook Piercing Types & Aftercare. Continue washing your piercing and the surrounding area once or twice daily until the redness, swelling, and discharge subside. You might be nervous to get a piercing, but theyre generally low risk. If you really feel the need to go in a pool or hot tub while your piercing is still young, you should clean it immediately afterward. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! Check this article to learn how to care for your innie or outie belly button. Most people can shower normally after a belly button piercing, but its important to avoid getting soap or shampoo directly on the piercing. Now, celebrities and regular people alike are rocking this style with pride. Youre looking good and feeling confident with your new belly button piercing untilow! Consult a doctor if any of these symptoms occur. Is there an herbal remedy for keeping the piercing clean? Moisture left in the belly button could promote bacterial growth. If your belly button gets especially swollen, is significantly painful, and/or continually bleeds or discharges fluid, see your doctor as soon as possible. Clean your piercing every day with saline solution or a mild soap, taking care to wash around both piercing holes and your belly button. 1 How do you shower with a new belly button piercing? Shower as usual; the very last thing youll do in the shower is clean your wound. A belly button piercing is beautiful, and it can be a great addition to your style. Take care of your new piercing and it most likely won't get infected. How to take care of your belly button piercing after piercing? Lather your hand and gently rub the pierced area. However, it is important that you always clean your piercing after exercise or periods of intense sweating (even if you've already cleaned it that day), as sweat can irritate the piercing. Once your piercing begins to recover, you should keep on going to clean it for four weeks. Getting a belly button piercing does not mean that you cannot swimming with it on. Caring for Your Belly Button Piercing First off, DONT ever touch or clean the piercing without washing your hands first! Can my 13 year old choose to live with me? Plus, you can even. If you prefer not to purchase any goods, you can start making your own sea salt solution at home by combining 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt with one cup of water. This guide will take you through the piercing process and show you how to avoid potential problems as you heal. The best way to care for the piercing is to. Avoid baths, hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, lakes, etc. Afterward, take a q-tip, dip it in the solution, and gently rub it around the areas where the piercing goes through your skin. However, they focus on saving time and are simple to use with the tiny mess. Therefore you should avoid using them. The easiest way to treat an irritated belly button piercing is to keep the area clean. Then, press the rim of the cup against your stomach around the piercing, and lean back to completely submerge the piercing for two minutes. If everything feels and looks good, Id recommend going back to your piercer so they can verify that youre completely healed. This article has a list of piercing regulations for all the different US states if you'd like to verify your state's specific policies. Cirrhosis or other liver diseases. Or maybe keeping it clean is your only concern. Otherwise, just continue to enjoy your awesome new belly bling! take a shower, it's so much better for new piercings. No matter how cute your piercing is, it will always be surrounded by the same old skin bacteria. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Sometimes when your belly button piercing does appear to be the ability to heal well, and there are no signs of problems, you should clean it every four weeks for the next four weeks. It could be better if you also carefully used the appropriate saltwater solution measurements. Afterward, take a q-tip, dip it in the solution, and gently rub it around the areas where the piercing goes through your skin. My friend pierced my belly button last night, and I wanted to know what I could and couldn't. You shouldn't get this done with a piercing gun since it can damage your tissue and raise the chances of infection. This is much larger than the jewelry used in a typical ear piercing, which is 1 mm or less in diameter. What grade do you start looking at colleges? If you reach the six to nine month mark and arent experiencing any of the issues detailed in the previous section, you can check the piercing to see if its fully healed. If it's been at least a month since the piercing and everything looks good, you can stop doing these daily cleanings. In this article, well teach you how to clean and treat an irritated belly button piercing and what to avoid, so it doesnt get worse. So, which is the superior option? Moreover, it is best to avoid utilizing ear-piercing solution products like Bactine, which irritates the skin and is not suggested for long-term use. Belly buttons are typically pierced with 12 gauge jewelry, which is around 2 mm in diameter. Do you know what happens when a piercing gets infected? This saves you the effort of determining whether or not you added the correct measurements. healthhema Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It does not store any personal data. Pain or tenderness whenever the area is touched or the jewelry moves. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 539,095 times. This article has been viewed 803,229 times. A belly button piercing is when you have a ring or other ornament through the skin around your belly button. In addition to checking the laws in your state. Here's a rundown of the steps you need to go through to ensure the best piercing experience. The materials that are least likely to irritate the piercing site include surgical stainless steel, surgical titanium, Tygon plastic, and solid 14K gold. If you ignore this rule, youre asking for an Everyday life, everyday problems. Do you want to explore how you can clean your belly button piercing while taking a shower? The only problem is some people may get skin irritation from lavender oil. You may need to return to the piercer to get the jewelry taken out if the infection has become too severe. Avoid going to sketchy booths in the middle of the mall or really any place that doesnt look like a doctors office when you get into the piercing room. Navel piercings can range in cost, but theyre $40-$60 at most piercing places. They will be able to take out the piercing and replace the jewelry for you. Intermittent tenderness around the piercing. Put the saline solution in a little cup. Read on to find out the do's and don'ts for cleaning a navel piercing, along with information on how to deal with infection. We'll cover the most important issues below. One downside to belly button piercings is that they do take significantly longer than other piercings to heal. While your piercer SHOULD use surgical stainless steel, some may not follow regulation. [1] X Research source You should ideally not have a soaking bath until the piercing is through the initial healing stages, and oozing, bleeding and scabbing have all stopped. Care for belly button piercing starts from proper washing. If youre under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present to sign off on your piercing. To prevent any additives that may be damaging to the sensitive place, stick to pure sea salt, which dissolves easily into the solution. Before you get pierced, you should: When you're at the piercing studio, you will need to: After you get your belly button pierced, you should: If you have more questions about any specific problems you're experiencing with your piercing, you should talk to your piercer to get an expert's opinion. If any of these symptoms are present, consult your doctor. How do you shower with a new belly button piercing? While sweat is naturally produced by the body, and is just a sign of your body taking care of itself, make sure to take a shower after exercising as a clean body tends to My question is im scared to risk it in the shower so I'm gonna have to be careful while using my shampoo and conditioner. From Miley Cyrus to Jessica Alba to Kim Kardashian and Beyonc, belly button piercings are all the rage for stylish, fashion-forward people. Avoid swimming, taking baths, and strenuous exercise until the irritation (or infection) goes away. Rub the area with a cotton ball soaked in a saline solution. Its better to have a thicker piece of jewelry because it will make the piercing sturdier and more resistant to tearing and migration. Just leave it alone and let it heal except for when you need to move it around a little bit to clean it. WebBelly button piercings can become infected. If you ignore this rule, youre asking for an infection. We promise not to bore you with too much science or too many details. You should prevent other pools or collections of water in the same way that you must also avoid using a bath rather than taking a shower. Get the latest creative news from FooBar about art, design and business. She received her Massage Therapist License from the Amarillo Massage Therapy Institute in 2008 and a M.S. Washing the pierced hole and surrounding areas more than twice a day can dry up the skin oil. Center for Young Women's Health: "Body Piercing. Products like Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine, rubbing alcohol, and powerful soaps can dry your skin out and destroy formation tissue. Wash your hands, and try sliding it back and forth a bit to make sure it moves freely without pain. Also, these substances will dry out the skin, causing irritation. Let us discuss it! Suppose youre thinking about getting your belly button Piercing, or youve recently had your belly button Piercing. Continue washing your piercing and the surrounding area once or twice daily until the redness, swelling, and discharge subside. To reduce your possibility of rejection to migration, you should keep up a good aftercare routine and clean the piercing on a routine basis. All rights reserved. References. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Good news: most people say that belly button piercings dont hurt that much. The redness is just your body reacting to an open wound. Be sure to use sea salt to make your solution, not table salt! I have another quick question. The best time to apply this oil is after washing the navel area. This will probably also be hot and painful to the touch. Can you use sea salt to clean a piercing? Some people believe that outie belly button piercings are the only "true" belly button piercings because they actually involve piercing the inner part of the navel. You can make your own saline solution by mixing a teaspoon of sea salt with five ounces of water, or you can buy the plain saline solution that is sold at pharmacies. WebYes, you can. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Daily cleaning is necessary from the beginning until the piercing has healed completely. After you finish showering and also have run hot water over your belly button, gently pat the piercing with a dry clean towel rather than a towel. I just got mine pierced yesterday. Heres how to tell if its infected and what to do next: For fever and chills, its essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the piercing is too itchy or dry, apply a piercing aftercare mist spray or wash the navel area with saline water. If it's REALLY sore or a small lump appears after a few days, it usually means your illergic to your jewelry. Sometimes, if you get the wrong type of jewelry, you can end up with a nasty allergic reaction around your piercing. Use a tissue to wipe any excess oil from the skin. WebIf you already included this info in your post or if your post isnt about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. Lavender oil is not a substitute for antibacterial soap or saline water. After applying the compress, clean the piercing with an antiseptic cleanser, remembering to thoroughly Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. When you sweat, be sure to wash your belly button piercing at your earliest convenience. In other words, no nickel allowed! NO! Dry your belly button with a disposable paper product like a paper towel. Theres no way to fix the issue without taking out the piercing and starting over. The above women are just some of the A-list celebs who have taken this unique form of self-expression to new heights. Use delicate non-fragrance soap for shower (liquid anti-microbial or germicidal preferably). Rubbing alcohol slows down the recovery by killing new healthy cells in that area. The piercing will be red and sore for about two weeks at most. What You Need to Know Before You Try It at Home. The benefits of coconut, argan, tea tree and more. Is Forex trading on OctaFX legal in India? After the piercing has been done, some care you can give it involves adopting the correct lifestyle to facilitate healing. If you prefer to purchase goods, your solution in a store, look for one with no substances and a 0.9 % sterile solution. Your response is private Was this (Salt-(sea)_B130623, used under CC 2.0). Gently rub the cotton swab around your piercing until the area is clean. You first need to know that the metal has to be safe for the skin just after piercing. The quality of the piercing place makes a huge difference in the likelihood that your piercing will heal properly. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. 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